Util functions for machine learning
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Util functions for machine learning
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from dataclasses import dataclass
from onnx import TypeProto, TensorProto, ModelProto
from onnx.helper import tensor_dtype_to_string
from geoengine_openapi_client.models import MlModelMetadata, MlModel, RasterDataType
import geoengine_openapi_client
from geoengine.auth import get_session
from geoengine.datasets import UploadId
from geoengine.error import InputException
class MlModelConfig:
'''Configuration for an ml model'''
name: str
metadata: MlModelMetadata
display_name: str = "My Ml Model"
description: str = "My Ml Model Description"
def register_ml_model(onnx_model: ModelProto,
model_config: MlModelConfig,
upload_timeout: int = 3600,
register_timeout: int = 60):
'''Uploads an onnx file and registers it as an ml model'''
session = get_session()
with geoengine_openapi_client.ApiClient(session.configuration) as api_client:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
file_name = Path(temp_dir) / model_config.metadata.file_name
with open(file_name, 'wb') as file:
uploads_api = geoengine_openapi_client.UploadsApi(api_client)
response = uploads_api.upload_handler([str(file_name)],
upload_id = UploadId.from_response(response)
ml_api = geoengine_openapi_client.MLApi(api_client)
model = MlModel(, upload=str(upload_id), metadata=model_config.metadata,
display_name=model_config.display_name, description=model_config.description)
ml_api.add_ml_model(model, _request_timeout=register_timeout)
def validate_model_config(onnx_model: ModelProto, *,
input_type: RasterDataType,
output_type: RasterDataType,
num_input_bands: int):
'''Validates the model config. Raises an exception if the model config is invalid'''
def check_data_type(data_type: TypeProto, expected_type: RasterDataType, prefix: 'str'):
if not data_type.tensor_type:
raise InputException('Only tensor input types are supported')
elem_type = data_type.tensor_type.elem_type
if elem_type != RASTER_TYPE_TO_ONNX_TYPE[expected_type]:
elem_type_str = tensor_dtype_to_string(elem_type)
raise InputException(f'Model {prefix} type `{elem_type_str}` does not match the '
f'expected type `{expected_type}`')
model_inputs = onnx_model.graph.input
model_outputs = onnx_model.graph.output
if len(model_inputs) != 1:
raise InputException('Models with multiple inputs are not supported')
check_data_type(model_inputs[0].type, input_type, 'input')
dims = model_inputs[0].type.tensor_type.shape.dim
if len(dims) != 2:
raise InputException('Only 2D input tensors are supported')
if not dims[1].dim_value:
raise InputException('Dimension 1 of the input tensor must have a length')
if dims[1].dim_value != num_input_bands:
raise InputException(f'Model input has {dims[1].dim_value} bands, but {num_input_bands} bands are expected')
if len(model_outputs) < 1:
raise InputException('Models with no outputs are not supported')
check_data_type(model_outputs[0].type, output_type, 'output')
RasterDataType.F32: TensorProto.FLOAT,
RasterDataType.F64: TensorProto.DOUBLE,
RasterDataType.U8: TensorProto.UINT8,
RasterDataType.U16: TensorProto.UINT16,
RasterDataType.U32: TensorProto.UINT32,
RasterDataType.U64: TensorProto.UINT64,
RasterDataType.I8: TensorProto.INT8,
RasterDataType.I16: TensorProto.INT16,
RasterDataType.I32: TensorProto.INT32,
RasterDataType.I64: TensorProto.INT64,
def register_ml_model(onnx_model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, model_config: MlModelConfig, upload_timeout: int = 3600, register_timeout: int = 60)
Uploads an onnx file and registers it as an ml model
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def register_ml_model(onnx_model: ModelProto, model_config: MlModelConfig, upload_timeout: int = 3600, register_timeout: int = 60): '''Uploads an onnx file and registers it as an ml model''' validate_model_config( onnx_model, input_type=model_config.metadata.input_type, output_type=model_config.metadata.output_type, num_input_bands=model_config.metadata.num_input_bands, ) session = get_session() with geoengine_openapi_client.ApiClient(session.configuration) as api_client: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: file_name = Path(temp_dir) / model_config.metadata.file_name with open(file_name, 'wb') as file: file.write(onnx_model.SerializeToString()) uploads_api = geoengine_openapi_client.UploadsApi(api_client) response = uploads_api.upload_handler([str(file_name)], _request_timeout=upload_timeout) upload_id = UploadId.from_response(response) ml_api = geoengine_openapi_client.MLApi(api_client) model = MlModel(, upload=str(upload_id), metadata=model_config.metadata, display_name=model_config.display_name, description=model_config.description) ml_api.add_ml_model(model, _request_timeout=register_timeout)
def validate_model_config(onnx_model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, *, input_type: geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_data_type.RasterDataType, output_type: geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_data_type.RasterDataType, num_input_bands: int)
Validates the model config. Raises an exception if the model config is invalid
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def validate_model_config(onnx_model: ModelProto, *, input_type: RasterDataType, output_type: RasterDataType, num_input_bands: int): '''Validates the model config. Raises an exception if the model config is invalid''' def check_data_type(data_type: TypeProto, expected_type: RasterDataType, prefix: 'str'): if not data_type.tensor_type: raise InputException('Only tensor input types are supported') elem_type = data_type.tensor_type.elem_type if elem_type != RASTER_TYPE_TO_ONNX_TYPE[expected_type]: elem_type_str = tensor_dtype_to_string(elem_type) raise InputException(f'Model {prefix} type `{elem_type_str}` does not match the ' f'expected type `{expected_type}`') model_inputs = onnx_model.graph.input model_outputs = onnx_model.graph.output if len(model_inputs) != 1: raise InputException('Models with multiple inputs are not supported') check_data_type(model_inputs[0].type, input_type, 'input') dims = model_inputs[0].type.tensor_type.shape.dim if len(dims) != 2: raise InputException('Only 2D input tensors are supported') if not dims[1].dim_value: raise InputException('Dimension 1 of the input tensor must have a length') if dims[1].dim_value != num_input_bands: raise InputException(f'Model input has {dims[1].dim_value} bands, but {num_input_bands} bands are expected') if len(model_outputs) < 1: raise InputException('Models with no outputs are not supported') check_data_type(model_outputs[0].type, output_type, 'output')
class MlModelConfig (name: str, metadata: geoengine_openapi_client.models.ml_model_metadata.MlModelMetadata, display_name: str = 'My Ml Model', description: str = 'My Ml Model Description')
Configuration for an ml model
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@dataclass class MlModelConfig: '''Configuration for an ml model''' name: str metadata: MlModelMetadata display_name: str = "My Ml Model" description: str = "My Ml Model Description"
Class variables
var description : str
var display_name : str
var metadata : geoengine_openapi_client.models.ml_model_metadata.MlModelMetadata
var name : str