Module geoengine.types
Different type mappings of geo engine types
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# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
Different type mappings of geo engine types
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from uuid import UUID
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, List, Literal
from attr import dataclass
import numpy as np
import geoengine_openapi_client
from geoengine.colorizer import Colorizer
from geoengine.error import GeoEngineException, InputException, TypeException
DEFAULT_ISO_TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"
class SpatialBounds:
'''A spatial bounds object'''
xmin: float
ymin: float
xmax: float
ymax: float
def __init__(self, xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `SpatialBounds` object'''
if (xmin > xmax) or (ymin > ymax):
raise InputException("Bbox: Malformed since min must be <= max")
self.xmin = xmin
self.ymin = ymin
self.xmax = xmax
self.ymax = ymax
def as_bbox_str(self, y_axis_first=False) -> str:
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering
bbox_tuple = self.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first)
return f'{bbox_tuple[0]},{bbox_tuple[1]},{bbox_tuple[2]},{bbox_tuple[3]}'
def as_bbox_tuple(self, y_axis_first=False) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs
if y_axis_first:
return (self.ymin, self.xmin, self.ymax, self.xmax)
return (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
def x_axis_size(self) -> float:
'''The size of the x axis'''
return self.xmax - self.xmin
def y_axis_size(self) -> float:
'''The size of the y axis'''
return self.ymax - self.ymin
class BoundingBox2D(SpatialBounds):
''''A 2D bounding box.'''
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D:
return geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D(
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D) -> BoundingBox2D:
'''create a `BoundingBox2D` from an API response'''
lower_left = response.lower_left_coordinate
upper_right = response.upper_right_coordinate
return BoundingBox2D(
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'BoundingBox2D(xmin={self.xmin}, ymin={self.ymin}, xmax={self.xmax}, ymax={self.ymax})'
class SpatialPartition2D(SpatialBounds):
'''A 2D spatial partition.'''
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D) -> SpatialPartition2D:
'''create a `SpatialPartition2D` from an API response'''
upper_left = response.upper_left_coordinate
lower_right = response.lower_right_coordinate
return SpatialPartition2D(
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D:
return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D(
def to_bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox2D:
'''convert to a `BoundingBox2D`'''
return BoundingBox2D(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
class TimeInterval:
''''A time interval.'''
start: np.datetime64
end: Optional[np.datetime64]
def __init__(self,
start: Union[datetime, np.datetime64],
end: Optional[Union[datetime, np.datetime64]] = None) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `TimeInterval` object'''
if isinstance(start, np.datetime64):
self.start = start
elif isinstance(start, datetime):
# We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC
if start.tzinfo is not None:
start = start.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
self.start = np.datetime64(start)
raise InputException("`start` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`")
if end is None:
self.end = None
elif isinstance(end, np.datetime64):
self.end = end
elif isinstance(end, datetime):
# We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC
if end.tzinfo is not None:
end = end.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
self.end = np.datetime64(end)
raise InputException("`end` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`")
# Check validity of time interval if an `end` exists
if end is not None and start > end:
raise InputException("Time inverval: Start must be <= End")
def is_instant(self) -> bool:
return self.end is None or self.start == self.end
def time_str(self) -> str:
Return the time instance or interval as a string representation
start_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.start)
if self.end is None or self.start == self.end:
return start_iso
end_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.end)
return start_iso + '/' + end_iso
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.models.TimeInterval) -> TimeInterval:
'''create a `TimeInterval` from an API response'''
if response.start is None:
raise TypeException('TimeInterval must have a start')
start = cast(int, response.start)
end = None
if response.end is not None:
end = cast(int, response.end)
if start == end:
end = None
return TimeInterval(
np.datetime64(start, 'ms'),
np.datetime64(end, 'ms') if end is not None else None,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"TimeInterval(start={self.start}, end={self.end})"
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval:
'''create a openapi `TimeInterval` from self'''
start = self.start.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int)
end = self.end.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) if self.end is not None else None
# The openapi Timeinterval does not accept end: None. So we set it to start IF self is an instant.
end = end if end is not None else start
print(self, start, end)
return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval(
def __datetime_to_iso_str(timestamp: np.datetime64) -> str:
return str(np.datetime_as_string(timestamp, unit='ms', timezone='UTC')).replace('Z', '+00:00')
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
'''Check if two `TimeInterval` objects are equal.'''
if not isinstance(other, TimeInterval):
return False
return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
class SpatialResolution:
''''A spatial resolution.'''
x_resolution: float
y_resolution: float
def __init__(self, x_resolution: float, y_resolution: float) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `SpatialResolution` object'''
if x_resolution <= 0 or y_resolution <= 0:
raise InputException("Resolution: Must be positive")
self.x_resolution = x_resolution
self.y_resolution = y_resolution
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution:
return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution(
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution) -> SpatialResolution:
'''create a `SpatialResolution` from an API response'''
return SpatialResolution(x_resolution=response.x, y_resolution=response.y)
def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
return (self.x_resolution, self.y_resolution)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(f'{self.x_resolution},{self.y_resolution}')
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(f'SpatialResolution(x={self.x_resolution}, y={self.y_resolution})')
class QueryRectangle:
A multi-dimensional query rectangle, consisting of spatial and temporal information.
__spatial_bounds: BoundingBox2D
__time_interval: TimeInterval
__resolution: SpatialResolution
__srs: str
def __init__(self,
spatial_bounds: Union[BoundingBox2D, Tuple[float, float, float, float]],
time_interval: Union[TimeInterval, Tuple[datetime, Optional[datetime]]],
resolution: Union[SpatialResolution, Tuple[float, float]],
srs='EPSG:4326') -> None:
Initialize a new `QueryRectangle` object
The spatial bounds of the query rectangle.
Either a `BoundingBox2D` or a tuple of floats (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
The time interval of the query rectangle.
Either a `TimeInterval` or a tuple of `datetime.datetime` objects (start, end)
The spatial resolution of the query rectangle.
Either a `SpatialResolution` or a tuple of floats (x_resolution, y_resolution)
if not isinstance(spatial_bounds, BoundingBox2D):
spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D(*spatial_bounds)
if not isinstance(time_interval, TimeInterval):
time_interval = TimeInterval(*time_interval)
if not isinstance(resolution, SpatialResolution):
resolution = SpatialResolution(*resolution)
self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds
self.__time_interval = time_interval
self.__resolution = resolution
self.__srs = srs
def bbox_str(self) -> str:
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds
return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str()
def bbox_ogc_str(self) -> str:
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering
y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326"
return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str(y_axis_first=y_axis_first)
def bbox_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs
# TODO: properly handle axis order
y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326"
return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first)
def resolution_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Return the resolution in OGC style
# TODO: properly handle axis order
res = self.__resolution
# TODO: why is the y resolution in this case negative but not in all other cases?
if self.__srs == "EPSG:4326":
return (-res.y_resolution, res.x_resolution)
return res.as_tuple()
def time(self) -> TimeInterval:
Return the time instance or interval
return self.__time_interval
def spatial_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox2D:
Return the spatial bounds
return self.__spatial_bounds
def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution:
Return the spatial resolution
return self.__resolution
def time_str(self) -> str:
Return the time instance or interval as a string representation
return self.time.time_str
def srs(self) -> str:
Return the SRS string
return self.__srs
def __repr__(self) -> str:
''' Return a string representation of the query rectangle.'''
r = 'QueryRectangle( \n'
r += ' ' + repr(self.__spatial_bounds) + '\n'
r += ' ' + repr(self.__time_interval) + '\n'
r += ' ' + repr(self.__resolution) + '\n'
r += f' srs={self.__srs} \n'
r += ')'
return r
def as_raster_query_rectangle_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle:
'''Return the query rectangle as a dictionary for the API'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle(
class ResultDescriptor: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Base class for result descriptors
__spatial_reference: str
__time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval]
__spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution]
def __init__(
spatial_reference: str,
time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None,
spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None
) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `ResultDescriptor` object'''
self.__spatial_reference = spatial_reference
self.__time_bounds = time_bounds
if spatial_resolution is None or isinstance(spatial_resolution, SpatialResolution):
self.__spatial_resolution = spatial_resolution
raise TypeException('Spatial resolution must be of type `SpatialResolution` or `None`')
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor) -> ResultDescriptor:
Parse a result descriptor from an http response
inner = response.actual_instance
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor):
return RasterResultDescriptor.from_response_raster(inner)
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor):
return VectorResultDescriptor.from_response_vector(inner)
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor):
return PlotResultDescriptor.from_response_plot(inner)
raise TypeException('Unknown `ResultDescriptor` type')
def is_raster_result(cls) -> bool:
Return true if the result is of type raster
return False
def is_vector_result(cls) -> bool:
Return true if the result is of type vector
return False
def is_plot_result(cls) -> bool:
Return true if the result is of type plot
return False
def spatial_reference(self) -> str:
'''Return the spatial reference'''
return self.__spatial_reference
def time_bounds(self) -> Optional[TimeInterval]:
'''Return the time bounds'''
return self.__time_bounds
def spatial_resolution(self) -> Optional[SpatialResolution]:
'''Return the spatial resolution'''
return self.__spatial_resolution
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor:
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.to_api_dict().items())
class VectorResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor):
A vector result descriptor
__spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D]
__data_type: VectorDataType
__columns: Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo]
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
spatial_reference: str,
data_type: VectorDataType,
columns: Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo],
time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None,
spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None
) -> None:
''' Initialize a vector result descriptor '''
super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, None)
self.__data_type = data_type
self.__columns = columns
self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds
def from_response_vector(
response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor) -> VectorResultDescriptor:
'''Parse a vector result descriptor from an http response'''
sref = response.spatial_reference
data_type = VectorDataType.from_string(response.data_type)
columns = {name: VectorColumnInfo.from_response(info) for name, info in response.columns.items()}
time_bounds = None
if response.time is not None:
time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time)
spatial_bounds = None
if response.bbox is not None:
spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox)
return VectorResultDescriptor(sref, data_type, columns, time_bounds, spatial_bounds)
def is_vector_result(cls) -> bool:
return True
def data_type(self) -> VectorDataType:
'''Return the data type'''
return self.__data_type
def spatial_reference(self) -> str:
'''Return the spatial reference'''
return super().spatial_reference
def columns(self) -> Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo]:
'''Return the columns'''
return self.__columns
def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]:
'''Return the spatial bounds'''
return self.__spatial_bounds
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of the vector result descriptor'''
r = ''
r += f'Data type: {self.data_type.value}\n'
r += f'Spatial Reference: {self.spatial_reference}\n'
r += 'Columns:\n'
for column_name in self.columns:
column_info = self.columns[column_name]
r += f' {column_name}:\n'
r += f' Column Type: {column_info.data_type.value}\n'
r += f' Measurement: {column_info.measurement}\n'
return r
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor:
'''Convert the vector result descriptor to a dictionary'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor(
columns={name: column_info.to_api_dict() for name, column_info in self.columns.items()},
time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None,
bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None,
resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None,
class FeatureDataType(str, Enum):
'''Vector column data type'''
CATEGORY = "category"
INT = "int"
FLOAT = "float"
TEXT = "text"
BOOL = "bool"
DATETIME = "dateTime"
def from_string(data_type: str) -> FeatureDataType:
'''Create a new `VectorColumnDataType` from a string'''
return FeatureDataType(data_type)
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType:
'''Convert to an API enum'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType(self.value)
class VectorColumnInfo:
'''Vector column information'''
data_type: FeatureDataType
measurement: Measurement
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo) -> VectorColumnInfo:
'''Create a new `VectorColumnInfo` from a JSON response'''
return VectorColumnInfo(
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo:
'''Convert to a dictionary'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo(
class RasterBandDescriptor:
'''A raster band descriptor'''
name: str
measurement: Measurement
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor) -> RasterBandDescriptor:
'''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object'''
return RasterBandDescriptor(, Measurement.from_response(response.measurement))
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor:
return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor(,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of a raster band descriptor'''
return f'{}: {self.measurement}'
def literal_raster_data_type(
data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType
) -> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']:
'''Convert a `RasterDataType` to a literal'''
data_type_map: dict[
Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
] = {
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U8: 'U8',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U16: 'U16',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U32: 'U32',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U64: 'U64',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I8: 'I8',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I16: 'I16',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I32: 'I32',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I64: 'I64',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.F32: 'F32',
geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.F64: 'F64',
return data_type_map[data_type]
class RasterResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor):
A raster result descriptor
__data_type: Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
__bands: List[RasterBandDescriptor]
__spatial_bounds: Optional[SpatialPartition2D]
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
data_type: Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64'],
bands: List[RasterBandDescriptor],
spatial_reference: str,
time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None,
spatial_bounds: Optional[SpatialPartition2D] = None,
spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None
) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `RasterResultDescriptor`'''
super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, spatial_resolution)
self.__data_type = data_type
self.__bands = bands
self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor:
'''Convert the raster result descriptor to a dictionary'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor(
bands=[band.to_api_dict() for band in self.__bands],
time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None,
bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None,
resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None
def from_response_raster(
response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor) -> RasterResultDescriptor:
'''Parse a raster result descriptor from an http response'''
spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference
data_type = literal_raster_data_type(response.data_type)
bands = [RasterBandDescriptor.from_response(band) for band in response.bands]
time_bounds = None
if response.time is not None:
time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time)
spatial_bounds = None
if response.bbox is not None:
spatial_bounds = SpatialPartition2D.from_response(response.bbox)
spatial_resolution = None
if response.resolution is not None:
spatial_resolution = SpatialResolution.from_response(response.resolution)
return RasterResultDescriptor(
def is_raster_result(cls) -> bool:
return True
def data_type(self) -> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']:
return self.__data_type
def bands(self) -> List[RasterBandDescriptor]:
return self.__bands
def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[SpatialPartition2D]:
return self.__spatial_bounds
def spatial_reference(self) -> str:
'''Return the spatial reference'''
return super().spatial_reference
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of the raster result descriptor'''
r = ''
r += f'Data type: {self.data_type}\n'
r += f'Spatial Reference: {self.spatial_reference}\n'
r += 'Bands:\n'
for band in self.__bands:
r += f' {band}\n'
return r
class PlotResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor):
A plot result descriptor
__spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D]
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments]
spatial_reference: str,
time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None,
spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None
) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `PlotResultDescriptor`'''
super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, None)
self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of the plot result descriptor'''
r = 'Plot Result'
return r
def from_response_plot(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor) -> PlotResultDescriptor:
'''Create a new `PlotResultDescriptor` from a JSON response'''
spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference
time_bounds = None
if response.time is not None:
time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time)
spatial_bounds = None
if response.bbox is not None:
spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox)
return PlotResultDescriptor(
def is_plot_result(cls) -> bool:
return True
def spatial_reference(self) -> str:
'''Return the spatial reference'''
return super().spatial_reference
def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]:
return self.__spatial_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor:
'''Convert the plot result descriptor to a dictionary'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor(
time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None,
bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None
class VectorDataType(str, Enum):
'''An enum of vector data types'''
DATA = 'Data'
MULTI_POINT = 'MultiPoint'
MULTI_LINE_STRING = 'MultiLineString'
MULTI_POLYGON = 'MultiPolygon'
def from_geopandas_type_name(cls, name: str) -> VectorDataType:
'''Resolve vector data type from geopandas geometry type'''
name_map = {
"Point": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT,
"MultiPoint": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT,
"Line": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING,
"MultiLine": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING,
"Polygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON,
"MultiPolygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON,
if name in name_map:
return name_map[name]
raise InputException("Invalid vector data type")
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType:
return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType(self.value)
def from_literal(literal: Literal['Data', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon']) -> VectorDataType:
'''Resolve vector data type from literal'''
return VectorDataType(literal)
def from_api_enum(data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType) -> VectorDataType:
'''Resolve vector data type from API enum'''
return VectorDataType(data_type.value)
def from_string(string: str) -> VectorDataType:
'''Resolve vector data type from string'''
if string not in VectorDataType.__members__.values():
raise InputException("Invalid vector data type: " + string)
return VectorDataType(string)
class TimeStepGranularity(Enum):
'''An enum of time step granularities'''
MILLIS = 'millis'
SECONDS = 'seconds'
MINUTES = 'minutes'
HOURS = 'hours'
DAYS = 'days'
MONTHS = 'months'
YEARS = 'years'
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity:
return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity(self.value)
class TimeStep:
'''A time step that consists of a granularity and a step size'''
step: int
granularity: TimeStepGranularity
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep:
return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep(
class Provenance:
'''Provenance information as triplet of citation, license and uri'''
citation: str
license: str
uri: str
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance) -> Provenance:
'''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object'''
return Provenance(response.citation, response.license, response.uri)
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance:
return geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance(
class ProvenanceEntry:
'''Provenance of a dataset'''
data: List[DataId]
provenance: Provenance
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ProvenanceEntry) -> ProvenanceEntry:
'''Parse an http response to a `ProvenanceEntry` object'''
dataset = [DataId.from_response(data) for data in]
provenance = Provenance.from_response(response.provenance)
return ProvenanceEntry(dataset, provenance)
class Symbology:
'''Base class for symbology'''
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology:
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology) -> Symbology:
'''Parse an http response to a `Symbology` object'''
inner = response.actual_instance
if isinstance(inner, (
# return VectorSymbology.from_response_vector(response)
return VectorSymbology() # TODO: implement
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology):
return RasterSymbology.from_response_raster(inner)
raise InputException("Invalid symbology type")
def __repr__(self):
class VectorSymbology(Symbology):
'''A vector symbology'''
# TODO: implement
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology:
return None # type: ignore
class RasterColorizer:
'''Base class for raster colorizer'''
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer:
'''Parse an http response to a `RasterColorizer` object'''
inner = response.actual_instance
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer):
return SingleBandRasterColorizer.from_single_band_response(inner)
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer):
return MultiBandRasterColorizer.from_multi_band_response(inner)
raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown RasterColorizer type"})
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer:
class SingleBandRasterColorizer(RasterColorizer):
'''A raster colorizer for a specified band'''
band: int
band_colorizer: Colorizer
def from_single_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer:
return SingleBandRasterColorizer(,
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer:
return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer(
class MultiBandRasterColorizer(RasterColorizer):
'''A raster colorizer for multiple bands'''
blue_band: int
blue_max: float
blue_min: float
blue_scale: Optional[float]
green_band: int
green_max: float
green_min: float
green_scale: Optional[float]
red_band: int
red_max: float
red_min: float
red_scale: Optional[float]
def from_multi_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer:
return MultiBandRasterColorizer(
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer:
return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer(
class RasterSymbology(Symbology):
'''A raster symbology'''
opacity: float
raster_colorizer: RasterColorizer
def __init__(self, raster_colorizer: RasterColorizer, opacity: float = 1.0) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `RasterSymbology`'''
self.raster_colorizer = raster_colorizer
self.opacity = opacity
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology:
'''Convert the raster symbology to a dictionary'''
return geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology(geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology(
def from_response_raster(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology) -> RasterSymbology:
'''Parse an http response to a `RasterSymbology` object'''
raster_colorizer = RasterColorizer.from_response(response.raster_colorizer)
return RasterSymbology(raster_colorizer, response.opacity)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self.__class__) + f"({self.raster_colorizer}, {self.opacity})"
def __eq__(self, value):
'''Check if two RasterSymbologies are equal'''
if not isinstance(value, self.__class__):
return False
return self.opacity == value.opacity and self.raster_colorizer == value.raster_colorizer
class DataId: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
'''Base class for data ids'''
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.DataId) -> DataId:
'''Parse an http response to a `DataId` object'''
inner = response.actual_instance
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId):
return InternalDataId.from_response_internal(inner)
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId):
return ExternalDataId.from_response_external(inner)
raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown DataId type"})
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId:
class InternalDataId(DataId):
'''An internal data id'''
__dataset_id: UUID
def __init__(self, dataset_id: UUID):
self.__dataset_id = dataset_id
def from_response_internal(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId) -> InternalDataId:
'''Parse an http response to a `InternalDataId` object'''
return InternalDataId(UUID(response.dataset_id))
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId:
return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId(
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.__dataset_id)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of an internal data id'''
return str(self)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
'''Check if two internal data ids are equal'''
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
return self.__dataset_id == other.__dataset_id # pylint: disable=protected-access
class ExternalDataId(DataId):
'''An external data id'''
__provider_id: UUID
__layer_id: str
def __init__(self, provider_id: UUID, layer_id: str):
self.__provider_id = provider_id
self.__layer_id = layer_id
def from_response_external(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId) -> ExternalDataId:
'''Parse an http response to a `ExternalDataId` object'''
return ExternalDataId(UUID(response.provider_id), response.layer_id)
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId:
return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId(
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.__provider_id}:{self.__layer_id}'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of an external data id'''
return str(self)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
'''Check if two external data ids are equal'''
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
return self.__provider_id == other.__provider_id and self.__layer_id == other.__layer_id # pylint: disable=protected-access
class Measurement: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Base class for measurements
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement) -> Measurement:
Parse a result descriptor from an http response
inner = response.actual_instance
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement):
return UnitlessMeasurement()
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement):
return ContinuousMeasurement.from_response_continuous(inner)
if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement):
return ClassificationMeasurement.from_response_classification(inner)
raise TypeException('Unknown `Measurement` type')
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement:
class UnitlessMeasurement(Measurement):
'''A measurement that is unitless'''
def __str__(self) -> str:
'''String representation of a unitless measurement'''
return 'unitless'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of a unitless measurement'''
return str(self)
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement:
return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement(
class ContinuousMeasurement(Measurement):
'''A measurement that is continuous'''
__measurement: str
__unit: Optional[str]
def __init__(self, measurement: str, unit: Optional[str]) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement`'''
self.__measurement = measurement
self.__unit = unit
def from_response_continuous(
response: geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement) -> ContinuousMeasurement:
'''Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement from a JSON response'''
return ContinuousMeasurement(response.measurement, response.unit)
def __str__(self) -> str:
'''String representation of a continuous measurement'''
if self.__unit is None:
return self.__measurement
return f'{self.__measurement} ({self.__unit})'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of a continuous measurement'''
return str(self)
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement:
return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement(
def measurement(self) -> str:
return self.__measurement
def unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.__unit
class ClassificationMeasurement(Measurement):
'''A measurement that is a classification'''
__measurement: str
__classes: Dict[int, str]
def __init__(self, measurement: str, classes: Dict[int, str]) -> None:
'''Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement`'''
self.__measurement = measurement
self.__classes = classes
def from_response_classification(
response: geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement
) -> ClassificationMeasurement:
'''Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement from a JSON response'''
measurement = response.measurement
str_classes: Dict[str, str] = response.classes
classes = {int(k): v for k, v in str_classes.items()}
return ClassificationMeasurement(measurement, classes)
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement:
str_classes: Dict[str, str] = {str(k): v for k, v in self.__classes.items()}
return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement(
def __str__(self) -> str:
'''String representation of a classification measurement'''
classes_str = ', '.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in self.__classes.items())
return f'{self.__measurement} ({classes_str})'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
'''Display representation of a classification measurement'''
return str(self)
def measurement(self) -> str:
return self.__measurement
def classes(self) -> Dict[int, str]:
return self.__classes
class GeoTransform:
'''The `GeoTransform` specifies the relationship between pixel coordinates and geographic coordinates.'''
x_min: float
y_max: float
'''In Geo Engine, x_pixel_size is always positive.'''
x_pixel_size: float
'''In Geo Engine, y_pixel_size is always negative.'''
y_pixel_size: float
def __init__(self, x_min: float, y_max: float, x_pixel_size: float, y_pixel_size: float):
'''Initialize a new `GeoTransform`'''
assert x_pixel_size > 0, 'In Geo Engine, x_pixel_size is always positive.'
assert y_pixel_size < 0, 'In Geo Engine, y_pixel_size is always negative.'
self.x_min = x_min
self.y_max = y_max
self.x_pixel_size = x_pixel_size
self.y_pixel_size = y_pixel_size
def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform) -> GeoTransform:
'''Parse a geotransform from an HTTP JSON response'''
return GeoTransform(
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform:
return geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform(
def to_gdal(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]:
'''Convert to a GDAL geotransform'''
return (self.x_min, self.x_pixel_size, 0, self.y_max, 0, self.y_pixel_size)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'Origin: ({self.x_min}, {self.y_max}), ' \
f'X Pixel Size: {self.x_pixel_size}, ' \
f'Y Pixel Size: {self.y_pixel_size}'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def x_half_pixel_size(self) -> float:
return self.x_pixel_size / 2.0
def y_half_pixel_size(self) -> float:
return self.y_pixel_size / 2.0
def x_max(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float:
return self.x_min + number_of_pixels * self.x_pixel_size
def y_min(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float:
return self.y_max + number_of_pixels * self.y_pixel_size
def coord_to_pixel_ul(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]:
'''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index rould towards top left'''
return (int(np.floor((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)),
int(np.ceil((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size)))
def coord_to_pixel_lr(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]:
'''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index ound towards lower right'''
return (int(np.ceil((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)),
int(np.floor((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size)))
def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution:
return SpatialResolution(
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
'''Check if two geotransforms are equal'''
if not isinstance(other, GeoTransform):
return False
return self.x_min == other.x_min and self.y_max == other.y_max and \
self.x_pixel_size == other.x_pixel_size and self.y_pixel_size == other.y_pixel_size
def literal_raster_data_type(data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType) ‑> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
Convert a
to a literalExpand source code
def literal_raster_data_type( data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType ) -> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']: '''Convert a `RasterDataType` to a literal''' data_type_map: dict[ geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType, Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64'] ] = { geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U8: 'U8', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U16: 'U16', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U32: 'U32', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.U64: 'U64', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I8: 'I8', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I16: 'I16', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I32: 'I32', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.I64: 'I64', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.F32: 'F32', geoengine_openapi_client.RasterDataType.F64: 'F64', } return data_type_map[data_type]
class BoundingBox2D (xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float)
'A 2D bounding box.
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class BoundingBox2D(SpatialBounds): ''''A 2D bounding box.''' def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D: return geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D( lower_left_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmin, y=self.ymin, ), upper_right_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmax, y=self.ymax, ), ) @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D) -> BoundingBox2D: '''create a `BoundingBox2D` from an API response''' lower_left = response.lower_left_coordinate upper_right = response.upper_right_coordinate return BoundingBox2D( lower_left.x, lower_left.y, upper_right.x, upper_right.y, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'BoundingBox2D(xmin={self.xmin}, ymin={self.ymin}, xmax={self.xmax}, ymax={self.ymax})'
Class variables
var xmax : float
var xmin : float
var ymax : float
var ymin : float
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D) ‑> BoundingBox2D
create a
from an API responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D) -> BoundingBox2D: '''create a `BoundingBox2D` from an API response''' lower_left = response.lower_left_coordinate upper_right = response.upper_right_coordinate return BoundingBox2D( lower_left.x, lower_left.y, upper_right.x, upper_right.y, )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.bounding_box2_d.BoundingBox2D
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D: return geoengine_openapi_client.BoundingBox2D( lower_left_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmin, y=self.ymin, ), upper_right_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmax, y=self.ymax, ), )
Inherited members
class ClassificationMeasurement (measurement: str, classes: Dict[int, str])
A measurement that is a classification
Initialize a new
Expand source code
class ClassificationMeasurement(Measurement): '''A measurement that is a classification''' __measurement: str __classes: Dict[int, str] def __init__(self, measurement: str, classes: Dict[int, str]) -> None: '''Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement`''' super().__init__() self.__measurement = measurement self.__classes = classes @staticmethod def from_response_classification( response: geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement ) -> ClassificationMeasurement: '''Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement from a JSON response''' measurement = response.measurement str_classes: Dict[str, str] = response.classes classes = {int(k): v for k, v in str_classes.items()} return ClassificationMeasurement(measurement, classes) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: str_classes: Dict[str, str] = {str(k): v for k, v in self.__classes.items()} return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement( type='classification', measurement=self.__measurement, classes=str_classes )) def __str__(self) -> str: '''String representation of a classification measurement''' classes_str = ', '.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in self.__classes.items()) return f'{self.__measurement} ({classes_str})' def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of a classification measurement''' return str(self) @property def measurement(self) -> str: return self.__measurement @property def classes(self) -> Dict[int, str]: return self.__classes
Static methods
def from_response_classification(response: geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement) ‑> ClassificationMeasurement
Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement from a JSON response
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_classification( response: geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement ) -> ClassificationMeasurement: '''Initialize a new `ClassificationMeasurement from a JSON response''' measurement = response.measurement str_classes: Dict[str, str] = response.classes classes = {int(k): v for k, v in str_classes.items()} return ClassificationMeasurement(measurement, classes)
Instance variables
var classes : Dict[int, str]
Expand source code
@property def classes(self) -> Dict[int, str]: return self.__classes
var measurement : str
Expand source code
@property def measurement(self) -> str: return self.__measurement
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.measurement.Measurement
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: str_classes: Dict[str, str] = {str(k): v for k, v in self.__classes.items()} return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement( type='classification', measurement=self.__measurement, classes=str_classes ))
Inherited members
class ContinuousMeasurement (measurement: str, unit: Optional[str])
A measurement that is continuous
Initialize a new
Expand source code
class ContinuousMeasurement(Measurement): '''A measurement that is continuous''' __measurement: str __unit: Optional[str] def __init__(self, measurement: str, unit: Optional[str]) -> None: '''Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement`''' super().__init__() self.__measurement = measurement self.__unit = unit @staticmethod def from_response_continuous( response: geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement) -> ContinuousMeasurement: '''Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement from a JSON response''' return ContinuousMeasurement(response.measurement, response.unit) def __str__(self) -> str: '''String representation of a continuous measurement''' if self.__unit is None: return self.__measurement return f'{self.__measurement} ({self.__unit})' def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of a continuous measurement''' return str(self) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement( type='continuous', measurement=self.__measurement, unit=self.__unit )) @property def measurement(self) -> str: return self.__measurement @property def unit(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.__unit
Static methods
def from_response_continuous(response: geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement) ‑> ContinuousMeasurement
Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement from a JSON response
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_continuous( response: geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement) -> ContinuousMeasurement: '''Initialize a new `ContiuousMeasurement from a JSON response''' return ContinuousMeasurement(response.measurement, response.unit)
Instance variables
var measurement : str
Expand source code
@property def measurement(self) -> str: return self.__measurement
var unit : Optional[str]
Expand source code
@property def unit(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.__unit
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.measurement.Measurement
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement( type='continuous', measurement=self.__measurement, unit=self.__unit ))
Inherited members
class DataId
Base class for data ids
Expand source code
class DataId: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods '''Base class for data ids''' @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.DataId) -> DataId: '''Parse an http response to a `DataId` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId): return InternalDataId.from_response_internal(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId): return ExternalDataId.from_response_external(inner) raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown DataId type"}) @abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: pass
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.DataId) ‑> DataId
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.DataId) -> DataId: '''Parse an http response to a `DataId` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId): return InternalDataId.from_response_internal(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId): return ExternalDataId.from_response_external(inner) raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown DataId type"})
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.data_id.DataId
Expand source code
@abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: pass
class ExternalDataId (provider_id: UUID, layer_id: str)
An external data id
Expand source code
class ExternalDataId(DataId): '''An external data id''' __provider_id: UUID __layer_id: str def __init__(self, provider_id: UUID, layer_id: str): self.__provider_id = provider_id self.__layer_id = layer_id @classmethod def from_response_external(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId) -> ExternalDataId: '''Parse an http response to a `ExternalDataId` object''' return ExternalDataId(UUID(response.provider_id), response.layer_id) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId( type="external", provider_id=str(self.__provider_id), layer_id=self.__layer_id, )) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__provider_id}:{self.__layer_id}' def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of an external data id''' return str(self) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: '''Check if two external data ids are equal''' if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__provider_id == other.__provider_id and self.__layer_id == other.__layer_id # pylint: disable=protected-access
Static methods
def from_response_external(response: geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId) ‑> ExternalDataId
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response_external(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId) -> ExternalDataId: '''Parse an http response to a `ExternalDataId` object''' return ExternalDataId(UUID(response.provider_id), response.layer_id)
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.data_id.DataId
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.ExternalDataId( type="external", provider_id=str(self.__provider_id), layer_id=self.__layer_id, ))
Inherited members
class FeatureDataType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Vector column data type
Expand source code
class FeatureDataType(str, Enum): '''Vector column data type''' CATEGORY = "category" INT = "int" FLOAT = "float" TEXT = "text" BOOL = "bool" DATETIME = "dateTime" @staticmethod def from_string(data_type: str) -> FeatureDataType: '''Create a new `VectorColumnDataType` from a string''' return FeatureDataType(data_type) def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType: '''Convert to an API enum''' return geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType(self.value)
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var BOOL
var INT
var TEXT
Static methods
def from_string(data_type: str) ‑> FeatureDataType
Create a new
from a stringExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_string(data_type: str) -> FeatureDataType: '''Create a new `VectorColumnDataType` from a string''' return FeatureDataType(data_type)
def to_api_enum(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.feature_data_type.FeatureDataType
Convert to an API enum
Expand source code
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType: '''Convert to an API enum''' return geoengine_openapi_client.FeatureDataType(self.value)
class GeoTransform (x_min: float, y_max: float, x_pixel_size: float, y_pixel_size: float)
specifies the relationship between pixel coordinates and geographic coordinates.Initialize a new
Expand source code
class GeoTransform: '''The `GeoTransform` specifies the relationship between pixel coordinates and geographic coordinates.''' x_min: float y_max: float '''In Geo Engine, x_pixel_size is always positive.''' x_pixel_size: float '''In Geo Engine, y_pixel_size is always negative.''' y_pixel_size: float def __init__(self, x_min: float, y_max: float, x_pixel_size: float, y_pixel_size: float): '''Initialize a new `GeoTransform`''' assert x_pixel_size > 0, 'In Geo Engine, x_pixel_size is always positive.' assert y_pixel_size < 0, 'In Geo Engine, y_pixel_size is always negative.' self.x_min = x_min self.y_max = y_max self.x_pixel_size = x_pixel_size self.y_pixel_size = y_pixel_size @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform) -> GeoTransform: '''Parse a geotransform from an HTTP JSON response''' return GeoTransform( x_min=response.origin_coordinate.x, y_max=response.origin_coordinate.y, x_pixel_size=response.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=response.y_pixel_size, ) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform: return geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform( origin_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.x_min, y=self.y_max, ), x_pixel_size=self.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=self.y_pixel_size ) def to_gdal(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: '''Convert to a GDAL geotransform''' return (self.x_min, self.x_pixel_size, 0, self.y_max, 0, self.y_pixel_size) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'Origin: ({self.x_min}, {self.y_max}), ' \ f'X Pixel Size: {self.x_pixel_size}, ' \ f'Y Pixel Size: {self.y_pixel_size}' def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) @property def x_half_pixel_size(self) -> float: return self.x_pixel_size / 2.0 @property def y_half_pixel_size(self) -> float: return self.y_pixel_size / 2.0 def x_max(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float: return self.x_min + number_of_pixels * self.x_pixel_size def y_min(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float: return self.y_max + number_of_pixels * self.y_pixel_size def coord_to_pixel_ul(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: '''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index rould towards top left''' return (int(np.floor((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)), int(np.ceil((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size))) def coord_to_pixel_lr(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: '''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index ound towards lower right''' return (int(np.ceil((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)), int(np.floor((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size))) def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution: return SpatialResolution( x_resolution=abs(self.x_pixel_size), y_resolution=abs(self.y_pixel_size) ) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: '''Check if two geotransforms are equal''' if not isinstance(other, GeoTransform): return False return self.x_min == other.x_min and self.y_max == other.y_max and \ self.x_pixel_size == other.x_pixel_size and self.y_pixel_size == other.y_pixel_size
Class variables
var x_min : float
var x_pixel_size : float
In Geo Engine, y_pixel_size is always negative.
var y_max : float
In Geo Engine, x_pixel_size is always positive.
var y_pixel_size : float
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform) ‑> GeoTransform
Parse a geotransform from an HTTP JSON response
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@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform) -> GeoTransform: '''Parse a geotransform from an HTTP JSON response''' return GeoTransform( x_min=response.origin_coordinate.x, y_max=response.origin_coordinate.y, x_pixel_size=response.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=response.y_pixel_size, )
Instance variables
var x_half_pixel_size : float
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@property def x_half_pixel_size(self) -> float: return self.x_pixel_size / 2.0
var y_half_pixel_size : float
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@property def y_half_pixel_size(self) -> float: return self.y_pixel_size / 2.0
def coord_to_pixel_lr(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) ‑> Tuple[int, int]
Convert a coordinate to a pixel index ound towards lower right
Expand source code
def coord_to_pixel_lr(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: '''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index ound towards lower right''' return (int(np.ceil((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)), int(np.floor((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size)))
def coord_to_pixel_ul(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) ‑> Tuple[int, int]
Convert a coordinate to a pixel index rould towards top left
Expand source code
def coord_to_pixel_ul(self, x_cord: float, y_coord: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: '''Convert a coordinate to a pixel index rould towards top left''' return (int(np.floor((x_cord - self.x_min) / self.x_pixel_size)), int(np.ceil((y_coord - self.y_max) / self.y_pixel_size)))
def spatial_resolution(self) ‑> SpatialResolution
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def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution: return SpatialResolution( x_resolution=abs(self.x_pixel_size), y_resolution=abs(self.y_pixel_size) )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.gdal_dataset_geo_transform.GdalDatasetGeoTransform
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform: return geoengine_openapi_client.GdalDatasetGeoTransform( origin_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.x_min, y=self.y_max, ), x_pixel_size=self.x_pixel_size, y_pixel_size=self.y_pixel_size )
def to_gdal(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]
Convert to a GDAL geotransform
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def to_gdal(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: '''Convert to a GDAL geotransform''' return (self.x_min, self.x_pixel_size, 0, self.y_max, 0, self.y_pixel_size)
def x_max(self, number_of_pixels: int) ‑> float
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def x_max(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float: return self.x_min + number_of_pixels * self.x_pixel_size
def y_min(self, number_of_pixels: int) ‑> float
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def y_min(self, number_of_pixels: int) -> float: return self.y_max + number_of_pixels * self.y_pixel_size
class InternalDataId (dataset_id: UUID)
An internal data id
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class InternalDataId(DataId): '''An internal data id''' __dataset_id: UUID def __init__(self, dataset_id: UUID): self.__dataset_id = dataset_id @classmethod def from_response_internal(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId) -> InternalDataId: '''Parse an http response to a `InternalDataId` object''' return InternalDataId(UUID(response.dataset_id)) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId( type="internal", dataset_id=str(self.__dataset_id) )) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.__dataset_id) def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of an internal data id''' return str(self) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: '''Check if two internal data ids are equal''' if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.__dataset_id == other.__dataset_id # pylint: disable=protected-access
Static methods
def from_response_internal(response: geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId) ‑> InternalDataId
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response_internal(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId) -> InternalDataId: '''Parse an http response to a `InternalDataId` object''' return InternalDataId(UUID(response.dataset_id))
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.data_id.DataId
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.DataId: return geoengine_openapi_client.DataId(geoengine_openapi_client.InternalDataId( type="internal", dataset_id=str(self.__dataset_id) ))
Inherited members
class Measurement
Base class for measurements
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class Measurement: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods ''' Base class for measurements ''' @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement) -> Measurement: ''' Parse a result descriptor from an http response ''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement): return UnitlessMeasurement() if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement): return ContinuousMeasurement.from_response_continuous(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement): return ClassificationMeasurement.from_response_classification(inner) raise TypeException('Unknown `Measurement` type') @abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: pass
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement) ‑> Measurement
Parse a result descriptor from an http response
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@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement) -> Measurement: ''' Parse a result descriptor from an http response ''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement): return UnitlessMeasurement() if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ContinuousMeasurement): return ContinuousMeasurement.from_response_continuous(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.ClassificationMeasurement): return ClassificationMeasurement.from_response_classification(inner) raise TypeException('Unknown `Measurement` type')
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.measurement.Measurement
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@abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: pass
class MultiBandRasterColorizer (blue_band: int, blue_max: float, blue_min: float, blue_scale: Optional[float], green_band: int, green_max: float, green_min: float, green_scale: Optional[float], red_band: int, red_max: float, red_min: float, red_scale: Optional[float])
A raster colorizer for multiple bands
Method generated by attrs for class MultiBandRasterColorizer.
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@dataclass class MultiBandRasterColorizer(RasterColorizer): '''A raster colorizer for multiple bands''' blue_band: int blue_max: float blue_min: float blue_scale: Optional[float] green_band: int green_max: float green_min: float green_scale: Optional[float] red_band: int red_max: float red_min: float red_scale: Optional[float] @staticmethod def from_multi_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: return MultiBandRasterColorizer( response.blue_band, response.blue_max, response.blue_min, response.blue_scale, response.green_band, response.green_max, response.green_min, response.green_scale, response.red_band, response.red_max, response.red_min, response.red_scale ) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer( type='multiBand', blue_band=self.blue_band, blue_max=self.blue_max, blue_min=self.blue_min, blue_scale=self.blue_scale, green_band=self.green_band, green_max=self.green_max, green_min=self.green_min, green_scale=self.green_scale, red_band=self.red_band, red_max=self.red_max, red_min=self.red_min, red_scale=self.red_scale ))
Class variables
var blue_band : int
var blue_max : float
var blue_min : float
var blue_scale : Optional[float]
var green_band : int
var green_max : float
var green_min : float
var green_scale : Optional[float]
var red_band : int
var red_max : float
var red_min : float
var red_scale : Optional[float]
Static methods
def from_multi_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer) ‑> RasterColorizer
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@staticmethod def from_multi_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: return MultiBandRasterColorizer( response.blue_band, response.blue_max, response.blue_min, response.blue_scale, response.green_band, response.green_max, response.green_min, response.green_scale, response.red_band, response.red_max, response.red_min, response.red_scale )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_colorizer.RasterColorizer
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer( type='multiBand', blue_band=self.blue_band, blue_max=self.blue_max, blue_min=self.blue_min, blue_scale=self.blue_scale, green_band=self.green_band, green_max=self.green_max, green_min=self.green_min, green_scale=self.green_scale, red_band=self.red_band, red_max=self.red_max, red_min=self.red_min, red_scale=self.red_scale ))
Inherited members
class PlotResultDescriptor (spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None)
A plot result descriptor
Initialize a new
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class PlotResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor): ''' A plot result descriptor ''' __spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments] self, spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None ) -> None: '''Initialize a new `PlotResultDescriptor`''' super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, None) self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of the plot result descriptor''' r = 'Plot Result' return r @staticmethod def from_response_plot(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor) -> PlotResultDescriptor: '''Create a new `PlotResultDescriptor` from a JSON response''' spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox) return PlotResultDescriptor( spatial_reference=spatial_ref, time_bounds=time_bounds, spatial_bounds=spatial_bounds ) @classmethod def is_plot_result(cls) -> bool: return True @property def spatial_reference(self) -> str: '''Return the spatial reference''' return super().spatial_reference @property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]: return self.__spatial_bounds def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the plot result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor( type='plot', spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, data_type='Plot', time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None ))
Static methods
def from_response_plot(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor) ‑> PlotResultDescriptor
Create a new
from a JSON responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_plot(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor) -> PlotResultDescriptor: '''Create a new `PlotResultDescriptor` from a JSON response''' spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox) return PlotResultDescriptor( spatial_reference=spatial_ref, time_bounds=time_bounds, spatial_bounds=spatial_bounds )
Instance variables
var spatial_bounds : Optional[BoundingBox2D]
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@property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]: return self.__spatial_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.typed_result_descriptor.TypedResultDescriptor
Convert the plot result descriptor to a dictionary
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the plot result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor( type='plot', spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, data_type='Plot', time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None ))
Inherited members
class Provenance (citation: str, license: str, uri: str)
Provenance information as triplet of citation, license and uri
Method generated by attrs for class Provenance.
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@dataclass class Provenance: '''Provenance information as triplet of citation, license and uri''' citation: str license: str uri: str @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance) -> Provenance: '''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object''' return Provenance(response.citation, response.license, response.uri) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance: return geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance( citation=self.citation, license=self.license, uri=self.uri, )
Class variables
var citation : str
var license : str
var uri : str
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance) ‑> Provenance
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance) -> Provenance: '''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object''' return Provenance(response.citation, response.license, response.uri)
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.provenance.Provenance
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance: return geoengine_openapi_client.Provenance( citation=self.citation, license=self.license, uri=self.uri, )
class ProvenanceEntry (data: List[DataId], provenance: Provenance)
Provenance of a dataset
Method generated by attrs for class ProvenanceEntry.
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@dataclass class ProvenanceEntry: '''Provenance of a dataset''' data: List[DataId] provenance: Provenance @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ProvenanceEntry) -> ProvenanceEntry: '''Parse an http response to a `ProvenanceEntry` object''' dataset = [DataId.from_response(data) for data in] provenance = Provenance.from_response(response.provenance) return ProvenanceEntry(dataset, provenance)
Class variables
var data : List[DataId]
var provenance : Provenance
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.ProvenanceEntry) ‑> ProvenanceEntry
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.ProvenanceEntry) -> ProvenanceEntry: '''Parse an http response to a `ProvenanceEntry` object''' dataset = [DataId.from_response(data) for data in] provenance = Provenance.from_response(response.provenance) return ProvenanceEntry(dataset, provenance)
class QueryRectangle (spatial_bounds: Union[BoundingBox2D, Tuple[float, float, float, float]], time_interval: Union[TimeInterval, Tuple[datetime, Optional[datetime]]], resolution: Union[SpatialResolution, Tuple[float, float]], srs='EPSG:4326')
A multi-dimensional query rectangle, consisting of spatial and temporal information.
Initialize a new
- The spatial bounds of the query rectangle.
Either a
or a tuple of floats (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) time_interval
- The time interval of the query rectangle.
Either a
or a tuple ofdatetime.datetime
objects (start, end) resolution
- The spatial resolution of the query rectangle.
Either a
or a tuple of floats (x_resolution, y_resolution)
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class QueryRectangle: ''' A multi-dimensional query rectangle, consisting of spatial and temporal information. ''' __spatial_bounds: BoundingBox2D __time_interval: TimeInterval __resolution: SpatialResolution __srs: str def __init__(self, spatial_bounds: Union[BoundingBox2D, Tuple[float, float, float, float]], time_interval: Union[TimeInterval, Tuple[datetime, Optional[datetime]]], resolution: Union[SpatialResolution, Tuple[float, float]], srs='EPSG:4326') -> None: """ Initialize a new `QueryRectangle` object Parameters ---------- spatial_bounds The spatial bounds of the query rectangle. Either a `BoundingBox2D` or a tuple of floats (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) time_interval The time interval of the query rectangle. Either a `TimeInterval` or a tuple of `datetime.datetime` objects (start, end) resolution The spatial resolution of the query rectangle. Either a `SpatialResolution` or a tuple of floats (x_resolution, y_resolution) """ if not isinstance(spatial_bounds, BoundingBox2D): spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D(*spatial_bounds) if not isinstance(time_interval, TimeInterval): time_interval = TimeInterval(*time_interval) if not isinstance(resolution, SpatialResolution): resolution = SpatialResolution(*resolution) self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds self.__time_interval = time_interval self.__resolution = resolution self.__srs = srs @property def bbox_str(self) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds ''' return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str() @property def bbox_ogc_str(self) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering ''' y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326" return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str(y_axis_first=y_axis_first) @property def bbox_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: ''' Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs ''' # TODO: properly handle axis order y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326" return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first) @property def resolution_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: ''' Return the resolution in OGC style ''' # TODO: properly handle axis order res = self.__resolution # TODO: why is the y resolution in this case negative but not in all other cases? if self.__srs == "EPSG:4326": return (-res.y_resolution, res.x_resolution) return res.as_tuple() @property def time(self) -> TimeInterval: ''' Return the time instance or interval ''' return self.__time_interval @property def spatial_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox2D: ''' Return the spatial bounds ''' return self.__spatial_bounds @property def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution: ''' Return the spatial resolution ''' return self.__resolution @property def time_str(self) -> str: ''' Return the time instance or interval as a string representation ''' return self.time.time_str @property def srs(self) -> str: ''' Return the SRS string ''' return self.__srs def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' Return a string representation of the query rectangle.''' r = 'QueryRectangle( \n' r += ' ' + repr(self.__spatial_bounds) + '\n' r += ' ' + repr(self.__time_interval) + '\n' r += ' ' + repr(self.__resolution) + '\n' r += f' srs={self.__srs} \n' r += ')' return r def as_raster_query_rectangle_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle: '''Return the query rectangle as a dictionary for the API''' return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle( spatial_bounds=SpatialPartition2D( self.spatial_bounds.xmin, self.spatial_bounds.ymin, self.spatial_bounds.xmax, self.spatial_bounds.ymax, ).to_api_dict(), spatial_resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict(), time_interval=self.time.to_api_dict(), )
Instance variables
var bbox_ogc : Tuple[float, float, float, float]
Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs
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@property def bbox_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: ''' Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs ''' # TODO: properly handle axis order y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326" return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first)
var bbox_ogc_str : str
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering
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@property def bbox_ogc_str(self) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering ''' y_axis_first = self.__srs == "EPSG:4326" return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str(y_axis_first=y_axis_first)
var bbox_str : str
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds
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@property def bbox_str(self) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds ''' return self.__spatial_bounds.as_bbox_str()
var resolution_ogc : Tuple[float, float]
Return the resolution in OGC style
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@property def resolution_ogc(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: ''' Return the resolution in OGC style ''' # TODO: properly handle axis order res = self.__resolution # TODO: why is the y resolution in this case negative but not in all other cases? if self.__srs == "EPSG:4326": return (-res.y_resolution, res.x_resolution) return res.as_tuple()
var spatial_bounds : BoundingBox2D
Return the spatial bounds
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@property def spatial_bounds(self) -> BoundingBox2D: ''' Return the spatial bounds ''' return self.__spatial_bounds
var spatial_resolution : SpatialResolution
Return the spatial resolution
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@property def spatial_resolution(self) -> SpatialResolution: ''' Return the spatial resolution ''' return self.__resolution
var srs : str
Return the SRS string
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@property def srs(self) -> str: ''' Return the SRS string ''' return self.__srs
var time : TimeInterval
Return the time instance or interval
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@property def time(self) -> TimeInterval: ''' Return the time instance or interval ''' return self.__time_interval
var time_str : str
Return the time instance or interval as a string representation
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@property def time_str(self) -> str: ''' Return the time instance or interval as a string representation ''' return self.time.time_str
def as_raster_query_rectangle_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_query_rectangle.RasterQueryRectangle
Return the query rectangle as a dictionary for the API
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def as_raster_query_rectangle_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle: '''Return the query rectangle as a dictionary for the API''' return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterQueryRectangle( spatial_bounds=SpatialPartition2D( self.spatial_bounds.xmin, self.spatial_bounds.ymin, self.spatial_bounds.xmax, self.spatial_bounds.ymax, ).to_api_dict(), spatial_resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict(), time_interval=self.time.to_api_dict(), )
class RasterBandDescriptor (name: str, measurement: Measurement)
A raster band descriptor
Method generated by attrs for class RasterBandDescriptor.
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@dataclass(repr=False) class RasterBandDescriptor: '''A raster band descriptor''' name: str measurement: Measurement @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor) -> RasterBandDescriptor: '''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object''' return RasterBandDescriptor(, Measurement.from_response(response.measurement)) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor(, measurement=self.measurement.to_api_dict(), ) def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of a raster band descriptor''' return f'{}: {self.measurement}'
Class variables
var measurement : Measurement
var name : str
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor) ‑> RasterBandDescriptor
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor) -> RasterBandDescriptor: '''Parse an http response to a `Provenance` object''' return RasterBandDescriptor(, Measurement.from_response(response.measurement))
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_band_descriptor.RasterBandDescriptor
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor(, measurement=self.measurement.to_api_dict(), )
class RasterColorizer
Base class for raster colorizer
Expand source code
class RasterColorizer: '''Base class for raster colorizer''' @classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: '''Parse an http response to a `RasterColorizer` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer): return SingleBandRasterColorizer.from_single_band_response(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer): return MultiBandRasterColorizer.from_multi_band_response(inner) raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown RasterColorizer type"}) @abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: pass
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer) ‑> RasterColorizer
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@classmethod def from_response(cls, response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: '''Parse an http response to a `RasterColorizer` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer): return SingleBandRasterColorizer.from_single_band_response(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.MultiBandRasterColorizer): return MultiBandRasterColorizer.from_multi_band_response(inner) raise GeoEngineException({"message": "Unknown RasterColorizer type"})
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_colorizer.RasterColorizer
Expand source code
@abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: pass
class RasterResultDescriptor (data_type: "Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']", bands: List[RasterBandDescriptor], spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[SpatialPartition2D] = None, spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None)
A raster result descriptor
Initialize a new
Expand source code
class RasterResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor): ''' A raster result descriptor ''' __data_type: Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64'] __bands: List[RasterBandDescriptor] __spatial_bounds: Optional[SpatialPartition2D] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments self, data_type: Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64'], bands: List[RasterBandDescriptor], spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[SpatialPartition2D] = None, spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None ) -> None: '''Initialize a new `RasterResultDescriptor`''' super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, spatial_resolution) self.__data_type = data_type self.__bands = bands self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the raster result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor( type='raster', data_type=self.data_type, bands=[band.to_api_dict() for band in self.__bands], spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None, resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None )) @staticmethod def from_response_raster( response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor) -> RasterResultDescriptor: '''Parse a raster result descriptor from an http response''' spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference data_type = literal_raster_data_type(response.data_type) bands = [RasterBandDescriptor.from_response(band) for band in response.bands] time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = SpatialPartition2D.from_response(response.bbox) spatial_resolution = None if response.resolution is not None: spatial_resolution = SpatialResolution.from_response(response.resolution) return RasterResultDescriptor( data_type=data_type, bands=bands, spatial_reference=spatial_ref, time_bounds=time_bounds, spatial_bounds=spatial_bounds, spatial_resolution=spatial_resolution ) @classmethod def is_raster_result(cls) -> bool: return True @property def data_type(self) -> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']: return self.__data_type @property def bands(self) -> List[RasterBandDescriptor]: return self.__bands @property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[SpatialPartition2D]: return self.__spatial_bounds @property def spatial_reference(self) -> str: '''Return the spatial reference''' return super().spatial_reference def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of the raster result descriptor''' r = '' r += f'Data type: {self.data_type}\n' r += f'Spatial Reference: {self.spatial_reference}\n' r += 'Bands:\n' for band in self.__bands: r += f' {band}\n' return r
Static methods
def from_response_raster(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor) ‑> RasterResultDescriptor
Parse a raster result descriptor from an http response
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_raster( response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor) -> RasterResultDescriptor: '''Parse a raster result descriptor from an http response''' spatial_ref = response.spatial_reference data_type = literal_raster_data_type(response.data_type) bands = [RasterBandDescriptor.from_response(band) for band in response.bands] time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = SpatialPartition2D.from_response(response.bbox) spatial_resolution = None if response.resolution is not None: spatial_resolution = SpatialResolution.from_response(response.resolution) return RasterResultDescriptor( data_type=data_type, bands=bands, spatial_reference=spatial_ref, time_bounds=time_bounds, spatial_bounds=spatial_bounds, spatial_resolution=spatial_resolution )
Instance variables
var bands : List[RasterBandDescriptor]
Expand source code
@property def bands(self) -> List[RasterBandDescriptor]: return self.__bands
var data_type : Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
Expand source code
@property def data_type(self) -> Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']: return self.__data_type
var spatial_bounds : Optional[SpatialPartition2D]
Expand source code
@property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[SpatialPartition2D]: return self.__spatial_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.typed_result_descriptor.TypedResultDescriptor
Convert the raster result descriptor to a dictionary
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the raster result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor( type='raster', data_type=self.data_type, bands=[band.to_api_dict() for band in self.__bands], spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None, resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None ))
Inherited members
class RasterSymbology (raster_colorizer: RasterColorizer, opacity: float = 1.0)
A raster symbology
Initialize a new
Expand source code
class RasterSymbology(Symbology): '''A raster symbology''' opacity: float raster_colorizer: RasterColorizer def __init__(self, raster_colorizer: RasterColorizer, opacity: float = 1.0) -> None: '''Initialize a new `RasterSymbology`''' self.raster_colorizer = raster_colorizer self.opacity = opacity def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: '''Convert the raster symbology to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology(geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology( type='raster', raster_colorizer=self.raster_colorizer.to_api_dict(), opacity=self.opacity, )) @staticmethod def from_response_raster(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology) -> RasterSymbology: '''Parse an http response to a `RasterSymbology` object''' raster_colorizer = RasterColorizer.from_response(response.raster_colorizer) return RasterSymbology(raster_colorizer, response.opacity) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.__class__) + f"({self.raster_colorizer}, {self.opacity})" def __eq__(self, value): '''Check if two RasterSymbologies are equal''' if not isinstance(value, self.__class__): return False return self.opacity == value.opacity and self.raster_colorizer == value.raster_colorizer
Class variables
var opacity : float
var raster_colorizer : RasterColorizer
Static methods
def from_response_raster(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology) ‑> RasterSymbology
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_raster(response: geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology) -> RasterSymbology: '''Parse an http response to a `RasterSymbology` object''' raster_colorizer = RasterColorizer.from_response(response.raster_colorizer) return RasterSymbology(raster_colorizer, response.opacity)
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.symbology.Symbology
Convert the raster symbology to a dictionary
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: '''Convert the raster symbology to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology(geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology( type='raster', raster_colorizer=self.raster_colorizer.to_api_dict(), opacity=self.opacity, ))
Inherited members
class ResultDescriptor (spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None)
Base class for result descriptors
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class ResultDescriptor: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods ''' Base class for result descriptors ''' __spatial_reference: str __time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] __spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] def __init__( self, spatial_reference: str, time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_resolution: Optional[SpatialResolution] = None ) -> None: '''Initialize a new `ResultDescriptor` object''' self.__spatial_reference = spatial_reference self.__time_bounds = time_bounds if spatial_resolution is None or isinstance(spatial_resolution, SpatialResolution): self.__spatial_resolution = spatial_resolution else: raise TypeException('Spatial resolution must be of type `SpatialResolution` or `None`') @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor) -> ResultDescriptor: ''' Parse a result descriptor from an http response ''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor): return RasterResultDescriptor.from_response_raster(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor): return VectorResultDescriptor.from_response_vector(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor): return PlotResultDescriptor.from_response_plot(inner) raise TypeException('Unknown `ResultDescriptor` type') @classmethod def is_raster_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type raster ''' return False @classmethod def is_vector_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type vector ''' return False @classmethod def is_plot_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type plot ''' return False @property def spatial_reference(self) -> str: '''Return the spatial reference''' return self.__spatial_reference @property def time_bounds(self) -> Optional[TimeInterval]: '''Return the time bounds''' return self.__time_bounds @property def spatial_resolution(self) -> Optional[SpatialResolution]: '''Return the spatial resolution''' return self.__spatial_resolution @abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: pass def __iter__(self): return iter(self.to_api_dict().items())
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor) ‑> ResultDescriptor
Parse a result descriptor from an http response
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor) -> ResultDescriptor: ''' Parse a result descriptor from an http response ''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedRasterResultDescriptor): return RasterResultDescriptor.from_response_raster(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor): return VectorResultDescriptor.from_response_vector(inner) if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.TypedPlotResultDescriptor): return PlotResultDescriptor.from_response_plot(inner) raise TypeException('Unknown `ResultDescriptor` type')
def is_plot_result() ‑> bool
Return true if the result is of type plot
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@classmethod def is_plot_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type plot ''' return False
def is_raster_result() ‑> bool
Return true if the result is of type raster
Expand source code
@classmethod def is_raster_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type raster ''' return False
def is_vector_result() ‑> bool
Return true if the result is of type vector
Expand source code
@classmethod def is_vector_result(cls) -> bool: ''' Return true if the result is of type vector ''' return False
Instance variables
var spatial_reference : str
Return the spatial reference
Expand source code
@property def spatial_reference(self) -> str: '''Return the spatial reference''' return self.__spatial_reference
var spatial_resolution : Optional[SpatialResolution]
Return the spatial resolution
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@property def spatial_resolution(self) -> Optional[SpatialResolution]: '''Return the spatial resolution''' return self.__spatial_resolution
var time_bounds : Optional[TimeInterval]
Return the time bounds
Expand source code
@property def time_bounds(self) -> Optional[TimeInterval]: '''Return the time bounds''' return self.__time_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.typed_result_descriptor.TypedResultDescriptor
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@abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: pass
class SingleBandRasterColorizer (band: int, band_colorizer: Colorizer)
A raster colorizer for a specified band
Method generated by attrs for class SingleBandRasterColorizer.
Expand source code
@dataclass class SingleBandRasterColorizer(RasterColorizer): '''A raster colorizer for a specified band''' band: int band_colorizer: Colorizer @staticmethod def from_single_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: return SingleBandRasterColorizer(, Colorizer.from_response(response.band_colorizer) ) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer( type='singleBand',, band_colorizer=self.band_colorizer.to_api_dict(), ))
Class variables
var band : int
var band_colorizer : Colorizer
Static methods
def from_single_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer) ‑> RasterColorizer
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_single_band_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer) -> RasterColorizer: return SingleBandRasterColorizer(, Colorizer.from_response(response.band_colorizer) )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.raster_colorizer.RasterColorizer
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer: return geoengine_openapi_client.RasterColorizer(geoengine_openapi_client.SingleBandRasterColorizer( type='singleBand',, band_colorizer=self.band_colorizer.to_api_dict(), ))
Inherited members
class SpatialBounds (xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float)
A spatial bounds object
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class SpatialBounds: '''A spatial bounds object''' xmin: float ymin: float xmax: float ymax: float def __init__(self, xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float) -> None: '''Initialize a new `SpatialBounds` object''' if (xmin > xmax) or (ymin > ymax): raise InputException("Bbox: Malformed since min must be <= max") self.xmin = xmin self.ymin = ymin self.xmax = xmax self.ymax = ymax def as_bbox_str(self, y_axis_first=False) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering ''' bbox_tuple = self.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first) return f'{bbox_tuple[0]},{bbox_tuple[1]},{bbox_tuple[2]},{bbox_tuple[3]}' def as_bbox_tuple(self, y_axis_first=False) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: ''' Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs ''' if y_axis_first: return (self.ymin, self.xmin, self.ymax, self.xmax) return (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax) def x_axis_size(self) -> float: '''The size of the x axis''' return self.xmax - self.xmin def y_axis_size(self) -> float: '''The size of the y axis''' return self.ymax - self.ymin
Class variables
var xmax : float
var xmin : float
var ymax : float
var ymin : float
def as_bbox_str(self, y_axis_first=False) ‑> str
A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering
Expand source code
def as_bbox_str(self, y_axis_first=False) -> str: ''' A comma-separated string representation of the spatial bounds with OGC axis ordering ''' bbox_tuple = self.as_bbox_tuple(y_axis_first=y_axis_first) return f'{bbox_tuple[0]},{bbox_tuple[1]},{bbox_tuple[2]},{bbox_tuple[3]}'
def as_bbox_tuple(self, y_axis_first=False) ‑> Tuple[float, float, float, float]
Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs
Expand source code
def as_bbox_tuple(self, y_axis_first=False) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: ''' Return the bbox with OGC axis ordering of the srs ''' if y_axis_first: return (self.ymin, self.xmin, self.ymax, self.xmax) return (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
def x_axis_size(self) ‑> float
The size of the x axis
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def x_axis_size(self) -> float: '''The size of the x axis''' return self.xmax - self.xmin
def y_axis_size(self) ‑> float
The size of the y axis
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def y_axis_size(self) -> float: '''The size of the y axis''' return self.ymax - self.ymin
class SpatialPartition2D (xmin: float, ymin: float, xmax: float, ymax: float)
A 2D spatial partition.
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class SpatialPartition2D(SpatialBounds): '''A 2D spatial partition.''' @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D) -> SpatialPartition2D: '''create a `SpatialPartition2D` from an API response''' upper_left = response.upper_left_coordinate lower_right = response.lower_right_coordinate return SpatialPartition2D( upper_left.x, lower_right.y, lower_right.x, upper_left.y, ) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D: return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D( upper_left_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmin, y=self.ymax, ), lower_right_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmax, y=self.ymin, ), ) def to_bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox2D: '''convert to a `BoundingBox2D`''' return BoundingBox2D(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
Class variables
var xmax : float
var xmin : float
var ymax : float
var ymin : float
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D) ‑> SpatialPartition2D
create a
from an API responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D) -> SpatialPartition2D: '''create a `SpatialPartition2D` from an API response''' upper_left = response.upper_left_coordinate lower_right = response.lower_right_coordinate return SpatialPartition2D( upper_left.x, lower_right.y, lower_right.x, upper_left.y, )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.spatial_partition2_d.SpatialPartition2D
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D: return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialPartition2D( upper_left_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmin, y=self.ymax, ), lower_right_coordinate=geoengine_openapi_client.Coordinate2D( x=self.xmax, y=self.ymin, ), )
def to_bounding_box(self) ‑> BoundingBox2D
convert to a
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def to_bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox2D: '''convert to a `BoundingBox2D`''' return BoundingBox2D(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
Inherited members
class SpatialResolution (x_resolution: float, y_resolution: float)
'A spatial resolution.
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class SpatialResolution: ''''A spatial resolution.''' x_resolution: float y_resolution: float def __init__(self, x_resolution: float, y_resolution: float) -> None: '''Initialize a new `SpatialResolution` object''' if x_resolution <= 0 or y_resolution <= 0: raise InputException("Resolution: Must be positive") self.x_resolution = x_resolution self.y_resolution = y_resolution def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution: return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution( x=self.x_resolution, y=self.y_resolution, ) @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution) -> SpatialResolution: '''create a `SpatialResolution` from an API response''' return SpatialResolution(x_resolution=response.x, y_resolution=response.y) def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return (self.x_resolution, self.y_resolution) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(f'{self.x_resolution},{self.y_resolution}') def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(f'SpatialResolution(x={self.x_resolution}, y={self.y_resolution})')
Class variables
var x_resolution : float
var y_resolution : float
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution) ‑> SpatialResolution
create a
from an API responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution) -> SpatialResolution: '''create a `SpatialResolution` from an API response''' return SpatialResolution(x_resolution=response.x, y_resolution=response.y)
def as_tuple(self) ‑> Tuple[float, float]
Expand source code
def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return (self.x_resolution, self.y_resolution)
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.spatial_resolution.SpatialResolution
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution: return geoengine_openapi_client.SpatialResolution( x=self.x_resolution, y=self.y_resolution, )
class Symbology
Base class for symbology
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class Symbology: '''Base class for symbology''' @abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: pass @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology) -> Symbology: '''Parse an http response to a `Symbology` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, ( geoengine_openapi_client.PointSymbology, geoengine_openapi_client.LineSymbology, geoengine_openapi_client.PolygonSymbology)): # return VectorSymbology.from_response_vector(response) return VectorSymbology() # TODO: implement if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology): return RasterSymbology.from_response_raster(inner) raise InputException("Invalid symbology type") def __repr__(self): "Symbology"
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology) ‑> Symbology
Parse an http response to a
objectExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology) -> Symbology: '''Parse an http response to a `Symbology` object''' inner = response.actual_instance if isinstance(inner, ( geoengine_openapi_client.PointSymbology, geoengine_openapi_client.LineSymbology, geoengine_openapi_client.PolygonSymbology)): # return VectorSymbology.from_response_vector(response) return VectorSymbology() # TODO: implement if isinstance(inner, geoengine_openapi_client.RasterSymbology): return RasterSymbology.from_response_raster(inner) raise InputException("Invalid symbology type")
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.symbology.Symbology
Expand source code
@abstractmethod def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: pass
class TimeInterval (start: Union[datetime, np.datetime64], end: Optional[Union[datetime, np.datetime64]] = None)
'A time interval.
Initialize a new
objectExpand source code
class TimeInterval: ''''A time interval.''' start: np.datetime64 end: Optional[np.datetime64] def __init__(self, start: Union[datetime, np.datetime64], end: Optional[Union[datetime, np.datetime64]] = None) -> None: '''Initialize a new `TimeInterval` object''' if isinstance(start, np.datetime64): self.start = start elif isinstance(start, datetime): # We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC if start.tzinfo is not None: start = start.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) self.start = np.datetime64(start) else: raise InputException("`start` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`") if end is None: self.end = None elif isinstance(end, np.datetime64): self.end = end elif isinstance(end, datetime): # We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC if end.tzinfo is not None: end = end.astimezone(tz=timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) self.end = np.datetime64(end) else: raise InputException("`end` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`") # Check validity of time interval if an `end` exists if end is not None and start > end: raise InputException("Time inverval: Start must be <= End") def is_instant(self) -> bool: return self.end is None or self.start == self.end @property def time_str(self) -> str: ''' Return the time instance or interval as a string representation ''' start_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.start) if self.end is None or self.start == self.end: return start_iso end_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.end) return start_iso + '/' + end_iso @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.models.TimeInterval) -> TimeInterval: '''create a `TimeInterval` from an API response''' if response.start is None: raise TypeException('TimeInterval must have a start') start = cast(int, response.start) end = None if response.end is not None: end = cast(int, response.end) if start == end: end = None return TimeInterval( np.datetime64(start, 'ms'), np.datetime64(end, 'ms') if end is not None else None, ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"TimeInterval(start={self.start}, end={self.end})" def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval: '''create a openapi `TimeInterval` from self''' start = self.start.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) end = self.end.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) if self.end is not None else None # The openapi Timeinterval does not accept end: None. So we set it to start IF self is an instant. end = end if end is not None else start print(self, start, end) return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval( start=int(start), end=int(end) ) @staticmethod def __datetime_to_iso_str(timestamp: np.datetime64) -> str: return str(np.datetime_as_string(timestamp, unit='ms', timezone='UTC')).replace('Z', '+00:00') def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: '''Check if two `TimeInterval` objects are equal.''' if not isinstance(other, TimeInterval): return False return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end
Class variables
var end : Optional[numpy.datetime64]
var start : numpy.datetime64
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.models.TimeInterval) ‑> TimeInterval
create a
from an API responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.models.TimeInterval) -> TimeInterval: '''create a `TimeInterval` from an API response''' if response.start is None: raise TypeException('TimeInterval must have a start') start = cast(int, response.start) end = None if response.end is not None: end = cast(int, response.end) if start == end: end = None return TimeInterval( np.datetime64(start, 'ms'), np.datetime64(end, 'ms') if end is not None else None, )
Instance variables
var time_str : str
Return the time instance or interval as a string representation
Expand source code
@property def time_str(self) -> str: ''' Return the time instance or interval as a string representation ''' start_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.start) if self.end is None or self.start == self.end: return start_iso end_iso = TimeInterval.__datetime_to_iso_str(self.end) return start_iso + '/' + end_iso
def is_instant(self) ‑> bool
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def is_instant(self) -> bool: return self.end is None or self.start == self.end
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.time_interval.TimeInterval
create a openapi
from selfExpand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval: '''create a openapi `TimeInterval` from self''' start = self.start.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) end = self.end.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) if self.end is not None else None # The openapi Timeinterval does not accept end: None. So we set it to start IF self is an instant. end = end if end is not None else start print(self, start, end) return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeInterval( start=int(start), end=int(end) )
class TimeStep (step: int, granularity: TimeStepGranularity)
A time step that consists of a granularity and a step size
Method generated by attrs for class TimeStep.
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@dataclass class TimeStep: '''A time step that consists of a granularity and a step size''' step: int granularity: TimeStepGranularity def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep: return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep( step=self.step, granularity=self.granularity.to_api_enum(), )
Class variables
var granularity : TimeStepGranularity
var step : int
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.time_step.TimeStep
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def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep: return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeStep( step=self.step, granularity=self.granularity.to_api_enum(), )
class TimeStepGranularity (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enum of time step granularities
Expand source code
class TimeStepGranularity(Enum): '''An enum of time step granularities''' MILLIS = 'millis' SECONDS = 'seconds' MINUTES = 'minutes' HOURS = 'hours' DAYS = 'days' MONTHS = 'months' YEARS = 'years' def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity: return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity(self.value)
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var DAYS
def to_api_enum(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.time_granularity.TimeGranularity
Expand source code
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity: return geoengine_openapi_client.TimeGranularity(self.value)
class UnitlessMeasurement
A measurement that is unitless
Expand source code
class UnitlessMeasurement(Measurement): '''A measurement that is unitless''' def __str__(self) -> str: '''String representation of a unitless measurement''' return 'unitless' def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of a unitless measurement''' return str(self) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement( type='unitless' ))
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.measurement.Measurement
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement: return geoengine_openapi_client.Measurement(geoengine_openapi_client.UnitlessMeasurement( type='unitless' ))
Inherited members
class VectorColumnInfo (data_type: FeatureDataType, measurement: Measurement)
Vector column information
Method generated by attrs for class VectorColumnInfo.
Expand source code
@dataclass class VectorColumnInfo: '''Vector column information''' data_type: FeatureDataType measurement: Measurement @staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo) -> VectorColumnInfo: '''Create a new `VectorColumnInfo` from a JSON response''' return VectorColumnInfo( FeatureDataType.from_string(response.data_type), Measurement.from_response(response.measurement) ) def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo: '''Convert to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo( data_type=self.data_type.to_api_enum(), measurement=self.measurement.to_api_dict(), )
Class variables
var data_type : FeatureDataType
var measurement : Measurement
Static methods
def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo) ‑> VectorColumnInfo
Create a new
from a JSON responseExpand source code
@staticmethod def from_response(response: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo) -> VectorColumnInfo: '''Create a new `VectorColumnInfo` from a JSON response''' return VectorColumnInfo( FeatureDataType.from_string(response.data_type), Measurement.from_response(response.measurement) )
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.vector_column_info.VectorColumnInfo
Convert to a dictionary
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo: '''Convert to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorColumnInfo( data_type=self.data_type.to_api_enum(), measurement=self.measurement.to_api_dict(), )
class VectorDataType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
An enum of vector data types
Expand source code
class VectorDataType(str, Enum): '''An enum of vector data types''' DATA = 'Data' MULTI_POINT = 'MultiPoint' MULTI_LINE_STRING = 'MultiLineString' MULTI_POLYGON = 'MultiPolygon' @classmethod def from_geopandas_type_name(cls, name: str) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from geopandas geometry type''' name_map = { "Point": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT, "MultiPoint": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT, "Line": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING, "MultiLine": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING, "Polygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON, "MultiPolygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON, } if name in name_map: return name_map[name] raise InputException("Invalid vector data type") def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType: return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType(self.value) @staticmethod def from_literal(literal: Literal['Data', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon']) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from literal''' return VectorDataType(literal) @staticmethod def from_api_enum(data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from API enum''' return VectorDataType(data_type.value) @staticmethod def from_string(string: str) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from string''' if string not in VectorDataType.__members__.values(): raise InputException("Invalid vector data type: " + string) return VectorDataType(string)
- builtins.str
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var DATA
Static methods
def from_api_enum(data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType) ‑> VectorDataType
Resolve vector data type from API enum
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@staticmethod def from_api_enum(data_type: geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from API enum''' return VectorDataType(data_type.value)
def from_geopandas_type_name(name: str) ‑> VectorDataType
Resolve vector data type from geopandas geometry type
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_geopandas_type_name(cls, name: str) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from geopandas geometry type''' name_map = { "Point": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT, "MultiPoint": VectorDataType.MULTI_POINT, "Line": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING, "MultiLine": VectorDataType.MULTI_LINE_STRING, "Polygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON, "MultiPolygon": VectorDataType.MULTI_POLYGON, } if name in name_map: return name_map[name] raise InputException("Invalid vector data type")
def from_literal(literal: "Literal['Data', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon']") ‑> VectorDataType
Resolve vector data type from literal
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@staticmethod def from_literal(literal: Literal['Data', 'MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon']) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from literal''' return VectorDataType(literal)
def from_string(string: str) ‑> VectorDataType
Resolve vector data type from string
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_string(string: str) -> VectorDataType: '''Resolve vector data type from string''' if string not in VectorDataType.__members__.values(): raise InputException("Invalid vector data type: " + string) return VectorDataType(string)
def to_api_enum(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.vector_data_type.VectorDataType
Expand source code
def to_api_enum(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType: return geoengine_openapi_client.VectorDataType(self.value)
class VectorResultDescriptor (spatial_reference: str, data_type: VectorDataType, columns: Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo], time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None)
A vector result descriptor
Initialize a vector result descriptor
Expand source code
class VectorResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor): ''' A vector result descriptor ''' __spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] __data_type: VectorDataType __columns: Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments self, spatial_reference: str, data_type: VectorDataType, columns: Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo], time_bounds: Optional[TimeInterval] = None, spatial_bounds: Optional[BoundingBox2D] = None ) -> None: ''' Initialize a vector result descriptor ''' super().__init__(spatial_reference, time_bounds, None) self.__data_type = data_type self.__columns = columns self.__spatial_bounds = spatial_bounds @staticmethod def from_response_vector( response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor) -> VectorResultDescriptor: '''Parse a vector result descriptor from an http response''' sref = response.spatial_reference data_type = VectorDataType.from_string(response.data_type) columns = {name: VectorColumnInfo.from_response(info) for name, info in response.columns.items()} time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox) return VectorResultDescriptor(sref, data_type, columns, time_bounds, spatial_bounds) @classmethod def is_vector_result(cls) -> bool: return True @property def data_type(self) -> VectorDataType: '''Return the data type''' return self.__data_type @property def spatial_reference(self) -> str: '''Return the spatial reference''' return super().spatial_reference @property def columns(self) -> Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo]: '''Return the columns''' return self.__columns @property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]: '''Return the spatial bounds''' return self.__spatial_bounds def __repr__(self) -> str: '''Display representation of the vector result descriptor''' r = '' r += f'Data type: {self.data_type.value}\n' r += f'Spatial Reference: {self.spatial_reference}\n' r += 'Columns:\n' for column_name in self.columns: column_info = self.columns[column_name] r += f' {column_name}:\n' r += f' Column Type: {column_info.data_type.value}\n' r += f' Measurement: {column_info.measurement}\n' return r def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the vector result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor( type='vector', data_type=self.data_type.to_api_enum(), spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, columns={name: column_info.to_api_dict() for name, column_info in self.columns.items()}, time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None, resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None, ))
Static methods
def from_response_vector(response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor) ‑> VectorResultDescriptor
Parse a vector result descriptor from an http response
Expand source code
@staticmethod def from_response_vector( response: geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor) -> VectorResultDescriptor: '''Parse a vector result descriptor from an http response''' sref = response.spatial_reference data_type = VectorDataType.from_string(response.data_type) columns = {name: VectorColumnInfo.from_response(info) for name, info in response.columns.items()} time_bounds = None if response.time is not None: time_bounds = TimeInterval.from_response(response.time) spatial_bounds = None if response.bbox is not None: spatial_bounds = BoundingBox2D.from_response(response.bbox) return VectorResultDescriptor(sref, data_type, columns, time_bounds, spatial_bounds)
Instance variables
var columns : Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo]
Return the columns
Expand source code
@property def columns(self) -> Dict[str, VectorColumnInfo]: '''Return the columns''' return self.__columns
var data_type : VectorDataType
Return the data type
Expand source code
@property def data_type(self) -> VectorDataType: '''Return the data type''' return self.__data_type
var spatial_bounds : Optional[BoundingBox2D]
Return the spatial bounds
Expand source code
@property def spatial_bounds(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox2D]: '''Return the spatial bounds''' return self.__spatial_bounds
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.typed_result_descriptor.TypedResultDescriptor
Convert the vector result descriptor to a dictionary
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor: '''Convert the vector result descriptor to a dictionary''' return geoengine_openapi_client.TypedResultDescriptor(geoengine_openapi_client.TypedVectorResultDescriptor( type='vector', data_type=self.data_type.to_api_enum(), spatial_reference=self.spatial_reference, columns={name: column_info.to_api_dict() for name, column_info in self.columns.items()}, time=self.time_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.time_bounds is not None else None, bbox=self.spatial_bounds.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_bounds is not None else None, resolution=self.spatial_resolution.to_api_dict() if self.spatial_resolution is not None else None, ))
Inherited members
class VectorSymbology
A vector symbology
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class VectorSymbology(Symbology): '''A vector symbology''' # TODO: implement def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: return None # type: ignore
def to_api_dict(self) ‑> geoengine_openapi_client.models.symbology.Symbology
Expand source code
def to_api_dict(self) -> geoengine_openapi_client.Symbology: return None # type: ignore
Inherited members