Module geoengine.workflow_builder.operators
This module contains helpers to create workflow operators for the Geo Engine API.
Expand source code
'''This module contains helpers to create workflow operators for the Geo Engine API.'''
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, Literal
import datetime
import geoengine_openapi_client
import numpy as np
from geoengine.datasets import DatasetName
from geoengine.types import Measurement, RasterBandDescriptor
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
class Operator():
'''Base class for all operators.'''
def name(self) -> str:
'''Returns the name of the operator.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'''Returns a dictionary representation of the operator that can be used to create a JSON request for the API.'''
def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']:
'''Returns the type of the operator.'''
def to_workflow_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'''Returns a dictionary representation of a workflow that calls the operator" \
"that can be used to create a JSON request for the workflow API.'''
return {
'type': self.data_type(),
'operator': self.to_dict(),
def from_workflow_dict(cls, workflow) -> Operator:
'''Returns an operator from a workflow dictionary.'''
if workflow['type'] == 'Raster':
return RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator'])
if workflow['type'] == 'Vector':
return VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator'])
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown workflow type {workflow['type']}")
class RasterOperator(Operator):
'''Base class for all raster operators.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']:
return 'Raster'
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> RasterOperator: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict['type'] == 'GdalSource':
return GdalSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterScaling':
return RasterScaling.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterTypeConversion':
return RasterTypeConversion.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection':
return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster()
if operator_dict['type'] == 'Interpolation':
return Interpolation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'Expression':
return Expression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandwiseExpression':
return BandwiseExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift':
return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster()
if operator_dict['type'] == 'TemporalRasterAggregation':
return TemporalRasterAggregation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterStacker':
return RasterStacker.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate':
return BandNeighborhoodAggregate.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
class VectorOperator(Operator):
'''Base class for all vector operators.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']:
return 'Vector'
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> VectorOperator:
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict['type'] == 'OgrSource':
return OgrSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection':
return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector()
if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterVectorJoin':
return RasterVectorJoin.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'PointInPolygonFilter':
return PointInPolygonFilter.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift':
return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector()
if operator_dict['type'] == 'VectorExpression':
return VectorExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
class GdalSource(RasterOperator):
'''A GDAL source operator.'''
dataset: str
def __init__(self, dataset: Union[str, DatasetName]):
'''Creates a new GDAL source operator.'''
if isinstance(dataset, DatasetName):
dataset = str(dataset)
self.dataset = dataset
def name(self) -> str:
return 'GdalSource'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'params': {
"data": self.dataset
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> GdalSource:
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "GdalSource":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
return GdalSource(cast(str, operator_dict['params']['data']))
class OgrSource(VectorOperator):
'''An OGR source operator.'''
dataset: str
attribute_projection: Optional[str] = None
attribute_filters: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(
dataset: Union[str, DatasetName],
attribute_projection: Optional[str] = None,
attribute_filters: Optional[str] = None
'''Creates a new OGR source operator.'''
if isinstance(dataset, DatasetName):
dataset = str(dataset)
self.dataset = dataset
self.attribute_projection = attribute_projection
self.attribute_filters = attribute_filters
def name(self) -> str:
return 'OgrSource'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'params': {
"data": self.dataset,
'attributeProjection': self.attribute_projection,
'attributeFilters': self.attribute_filters,
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> OgrSource:
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "OgrSource":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
params = operator_dict['params']
return OgrSource(
cast(str, params['data']),
attribute_projection=cast(Optional[str], params.get('attributeProjection')),
attribute_filters=cast(Optional[str], params.get('attributeFilters')),
class Interpolation(RasterOperator):
'''An interpolation operator.'''
source: RasterOperator
interpolation: Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"] = "biLinear"
input_resolution: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
def __init__(
source_operator: RasterOperator,
interpolation: Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"] = "biLinear",
input_resolution: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
'''Creates a new interpolation operator.'''
self.source = source_operator
self.interpolation = interpolation
self.input_resolution = input_resolution
def name(self) -> str:
return 'Interpolation'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
input_res: Dict[str, Union[str, float]]
if self.input_resolution is None:
input_res = {
"type": "source"
input_res = {
"type": "value",
"x": self.input_resolution[0],
"y": self.input_resolution[1]
return {
"params": {
"interpolation": self.interpolation,
"inputResolution": input_res
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Interpolation:
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "Interpolation":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['raster']))
def parse_input_params(params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]:
if 'type' not in params:
return None
if params['type'] == 'source':
return None
if params['type'] == 'value':
return (float(params['x']), float(params['y']))
raise ValueError(f"Invalid input resolution type {params['type']}")
input_resolution = parse_input_params(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['params']['inputResolution']))
return Interpolation(
interpolation=cast(Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"], operator_dict['params']['interpolation']),
class ColumnNames:
'''Base class for deriving column names from bands of a raster.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ColumnNames':
'''Returns a ColumnNames object from a dictionary.'''
if rename_dict["type"] == "default":
return ColumnNamesDefault()
if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix":
return ColumnNamesSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"]))
if rename_dict["type"] == "names":
return ColumnNamesNames(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"]))
raise ValueError("Invalid rename type")
def default(cls) -> 'ColumnNames':
return ColumnNamesDefault()
def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames':
return ColumnNamesSuffix(values)
def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames':
return ColumnNamesNames(values)
class ColumnNamesDefault(ColumnNames):
'''column names with default suffix.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "default"
class ColumnNamesSuffix(ColumnNames):
'''Rename bands with custom suffixes.'''
suffixes: List[str]
def __init__(self, suffixes: List[str]) -> None:
self.suffixes = suffixes
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "suffix",
"values": self.suffixes
class ColumnNamesNames(ColumnNames):
'''Rename bands with new names.'''
new_names: List[str]
def __init__(self, new_names: List[str]) -> None:
self.new_names = new_names
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "names",
"values": self.new_names
class RasterVectorJoin(VectorOperator):
'''A RasterVectorJoin operator.'''
raster_sources: List[RasterOperator]
vector_source: VectorOperator
names: ColumnNames
temporal_aggregation: Literal["none", "first", "mean"] = "none"
temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False
feature_aggregation: Literal["first", "mean"] = "mean"
feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
def __init__(self,
raster_sources: List[RasterOperator],
vector_source: VectorOperator,
names: ColumnNames,
temporal_aggregation: Literal["none", "first", "mean"] = "none",
temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False,
feature_aggregation: Literal["first", "mean"] = "mean",
feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False,
'''Creates a new RasterVectorJoin operator.'''
self.raster_source = raster_sources
self.vector_source = vector_source
self.names = names
self.temporal_aggregation = temporal_aggregation
self.temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata = temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata
self.feature_aggregation = feature_aggregation
self.feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata = feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata
def name(self) -> str:
return 'RasterVectorJoin'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"names": self.names.to_dict(),
"temporalAggregation": self.temporal_aggregation,
"temporalAggregationIgnoreNoData": self.temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata,
"featureAggregation": self.feature_aggregation,
"featureAggregationIgnoreNoData": self.feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata,
"sources": {
"vector": self.vector_source.to_dict(),
"rasters": [raster_source.to_dict() for raster_source in self.raster_source]
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterVectorJoin':
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterVectorJoin":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
vector_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['vector']))
raster_sources = [
RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(raster_source) for raster_source in cast(
List[Dict[str, Any]], operator_dict['sources']['rasters']
params = operator_dict['params']
return RasterVectorJoin(
temporal_aggregation=cast(Literal["none", "first", "mean"], params['temporalAggregation']),
temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata=cast(bool, params['temporalAggregationIgnoreNoData']),
feature_aggregation=cast(Literal["first", "mean"], params['featureAggregation']),
feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata=cast(bool, params['featureAggregationIgnoreNoData']),
class PointInPolygonFilter(VectorOperator):
'''A PointInPolygonFilter operator.'''
point_source: VectorOperator
polygon_source: VectorOperator
def __init__(self,
point_source: VectorOperator,
polygon_source: VectorOperator,
'''Creates a new PointInPolygonFilter filter operator.'''
self.point_source = point_source
self.polygon_source = polygon_source
def name(self) -> str:
return 'PointInPolygonFilter'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {},
"sources": {
"points": self.point_source.to_dict(),
"polygons": self.polygon_source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> PointInPolygonFilter:
'''Returns an operator from a dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "PointInPolygonFilter":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
point_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['points']))
polygon_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['polygons']))
return PointInPolygonFilter(
class RasterScaling(RasterOperator):
'''A RasterScaling operator.
This operator scales the values of a raster by a given slope and offset.
The scaling is done as follows:
y = (x - offset) / slope
The unscale mode is the inverse of the scale mode:
x = y * slope + offset
source: RasterOperator
slope: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None
offset: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None
scaling_mode: Literal["mulSlopeAddOffset", "subOffsetDivSlope"] = "mulSlopeAddOffset"
output_measurement: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(self,
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
source: RasterOperator,
slope: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
offset: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None,
scaling_mode: Literal["mulSlopeAddOffset", "subOffsetDivSlope"] = "mulSlopeAddOffset",
output_measurement: Optional[str] = None
'''Creates a new RasterScaling operator.'''
self.source = source
self.slope = slope
self.offset = offset
self.scaling_mode = scaling_mode
self.output_measurement = output_measurement
if output_measurement is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("Custom output measurement is not yet implemented")
def name(self) -> str:
return 'RasterScaling'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def offset_scale_dict(key_or_value: Optional[Union[float, str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if key_or_value is None:
return {"type": "auto"}
if isinstance(key_or_value, float):
return {"type": "constant", "value": key_or_value}
if isinstance(key_or_value, int):
return {"type": "constant", "value": float(key_or_value)}
# TODO: incorporate `domain` field
return {"type": "metadataKey", "key": key_or_value}
return {
"params": {
"offset": offset_scale_dict(self.offset),
"slope": offset_scale_dict(self.slope),
"scalingMode": self.scaling_mode
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterScaling':
if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterScaling":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"])
params = operator_dict["params"]
def offset_slope_reverse(key_or_value: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Union[float, str]]:
if key_or_value is None:
return None
if key_or_value["type"] == "constant":
return key_or_value["value"]
if key_or_value["type"] == "metadataKey":
return key_or_value["key"]
return None
return RasterScaling(
output_measurement=params.get("outputMeasurement", None)
class RasterTypeConversion(RasterOperator):
'''A RasterTypeConversion operator.'''
source: RasterOperator
output_data_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]
def __init__(self,
source: RasterOperator,
output_data_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]
'''Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.'''
self.source = source
self.output_data_type = output_data_type
def name(self) -> str:
return 'RasterTypeConversion'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"outputDataType": self.output_data_type
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterTypeConversion':
if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterTypeConversion":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"])
return RasterTypeConversion(
class Reprojection(Operator):
'''A Reprojection operator.'''
source: Operator
target_spatial_reference: str
def __init__(self,
source: Operator,
target_spatial_reference: str
'''Creates a new Reprojection operator.'''
self.source = source
self.target_spatial_reference = target_spatial_reference
def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']:
return self.source.data_type()
def name(self) -> str:
return 'Reprojection'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"targetSpatialReference": self.target_spatial_reference
"sources": {
"source": self.source.to_dict()
def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator:
'''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.'''
if self.data_type() != 'Vector':
raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator")
return cast(VectorOperator, self)
def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator:
'''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.'''
if self.data_type() != 'Raster':
raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator")
return cast(RasterOperator, self)
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Reprojection':
'''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "Reprojection":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source_operator: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator]
source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"])
except ValueError:
source_operator = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"])
return Reprojection(
source=cast(Operator, source_operator),
class Expression(RasterOperator):
'''An Expression operator.'''
expression: str
source: RasterOperator
output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32"
map_no_data: bool = False
output_band: Optional[RasterBandDescriptor] = None
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
def __init__(self,
expression: str,
source: RasterOperator,
output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32",
map_no_data: bool = False,
output_band: Optional[RasterBandDescriptor] = None,
'''Creates a new Expression operator.'''
self.expression = expression
self.source = source
self.output_type = output_type
self.map_no_data = map_no_data
self.output_band = output_band
def name(self) -> str:
return 'Expression'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
params = {
"expression": self.expression,
"outputType": self.output_type,
"mapNoData": self.map_no_data,
if self.output_band is not None:
params["outputBand"] = self.output_band.to_api_dict().to_dict()
return {
"params": params,
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Expression':
if operator_dict["type"] != "Expression":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
output_band = None
if "outputBand" in operator_dict["params"] and operator_dict["params"]["outputBand"] is not None:
raster_band_descriptor = geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor.from_dict(
if raster_band_descriptor is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid output band")
output_band = RasterBandDescriptor.from_response(raster_band_descriptor)
return Expression(
class BandwiseExpression(RasterOperator):
'''A bandwise Expression operator.'''
expression: str
source: RasterOperator
output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32"
map_no_data: bool = False
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self,
expression: str,
source: RasterOperator,
output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32",
map_no_data: bool = False,
'''Creates a new Expression operator.'''
self.expression = expression
self.source = source
self.output_type = output_type
self.map_no_data = map_no_data
def name(self) -> str:
return 'BandwiseExpression'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
params = {
"expression": self.expression,
"outputType": self.output_type,
"mapNoData": self.map_no_data,
return {
"params": params,
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandwiseExpression':
if operator_dict["type"] != "BandwiseExpression":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
return BandwiseExpression(
class GeoVectorDataType(Enum):
'''The output type of geometry vector data.'''
MULTI_POINT = "MultiPoint"
MULTI_LINE_STRING = "MultiLineString"
MULTI_POLYGON = "MultiPolygon"
class VectorExpression(VectorOperator):
'''The `VectorExpression` operator.'''
source: VectorOperator
expression: str
input_columns: List[str]
output_column: str | GeoVectorDataType
geometry_column_name = None
output_measurement: Optional[Measurement] = None
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self,
source: VectorOperator,
expression: str,
input_columns: List[str],
output_column: str | GeoVectorDataType,
geometry_column_name: Optional[str] = None,
output_measurement: Optional[Measurement] = None,
'''Creates a new VectorExpression operator.'''
self.source = source
self.expression = expression
self.input_columns = input_columns
self.output_column = output_column
self.geometry_column_name = geometry_column_name
self.output_measurement = output_measurement
def name(self) -> str:
return 'VectorExpression'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
output_column_dict = None
if isinstance(self.output_column, GeoVectorDataType):
output_column_dict = {
"type": "geometry",
"value": self.output_column.value,
elif isinstance(self.output_column, str):
output_column_dict = {
"type": "column",
"value": self.output_column,
raise NotImplementedError("Invalid output column type")
params = {
"expression": self.expression,
"inputColumns": self.input_columns,
"outputColumn": output_column_dict,
} # type: Dict[str, Any]
if self.geometry_column_name:
params["geometryColumnName"] = self.geometry_column_name
if self.output_measurement:
params["outputMeasurement"] = self.output_measurement.to_api_dict().to_dict()
return {
"params": params,
"sources": {
"vector": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> VectorExpression:
if operator_dict["type"] != "Expression":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
geometry_column_name = None
if "geometryColumnName" in operator_dict["params"]:
geometry_column_name = operator_dict["params"]["geometryColumnName"]
output_measurement = None
if "outputMeasurement" in operator_dict["params"]:
output_measurement = Measurement.from_response(operator_dict["params"]["outputMeasurement"])
return VectorExpression(
class TemporalRasterAggregation(RasterOperator):
'''A TemporalRasterAggregation operator.'''
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
source: RasterOperator
aggregation_type: Literal["mean", "min", "max", "median", "count", "sum", "first", "last", "percentileEstimate"]
ignore_no_data: bool = False
window_granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"] = "days"
window_size: int = 1
output_type: Optional[Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]] = None
percentile: Optional[float] = None
window_ref: Optional[np.datetime64] = None
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments
def __init__(self,
source: RasterOperator,
Literal["mean", "min", "max", "median", "count", "sum", "first", "last", "percentileEstimate"],
ignore_no_data: bool = False,
granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"] = "days",
window_size: int = 1,
Optional[Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]] = None,
percentile: Optional[float] = None,
window_reference: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]] = None
'''Creates a new TemporalRasterAggregation operator.'''
self.source = source
self.aggregation_type = aggregation_type
self.ignore_no_data = ignore_no_data
self.window_granularity = granularity
self.window_size = window_size
self.output_type = output_type
if self.aggregation_type == "percentileEstimate":
if percentile is None:
raise ValueError("Percentile must be set for percentileEstimate")
if percentile <= 0.0 or percentile > 1.0:
raise ValueError("Percentile must be > 0.0 and <= 1.0")
self.percentile = percentile
if window_reference is not None:
if isinstance(window_reference, np.datetime64):
self.window_ref = window_reference
elif isinstance(window_reference, datetime.datetime):
# We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC
if window_reference.tzinfo is not None:
window_reference = window_reference.astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
self.window_ref = np.datetime64(window_reference)
raise ValueError("`window_reference` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`")
def name(self) -> str:
return 'TemporalRasterAggregation'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
w_ref = self.window_ref.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) if self.window_ref is not None else None
return {
"params": {
"aggregation": {
"type": self.aggregation_type,
"ignoreNoData": self.ignore_no_data,
"percentile": self.percentile
"window": {
"granularity": self.window_granularity,
"step": self.window_size
"windowReference": w_ref,
"outputType": self.output_type
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'TemporalRasterAggregation':
if operator_dict["type"] != "TemporalRasterAggregation":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
w_ref: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]] = None
if "windowReference" in operator_dict["params"]:
t_ref = operator_dict["params"]["windowReference"]
if isinstance(t_ref, str):
w_ref = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(t_ref)
if isinstance(t_ref, int):
w_ref = np.datetime64(t_ref, 'ms')
percentile = None
if "percentile" in operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]:
percentile = operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]["percentile"]
return TemporalRasterAggregation(
class TimeShift(Operator):
'''A RasterTypeConversion operator.'''
source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator]
shift_type: Literal["relative", "absolute"]
granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"]
value: int
def __init__(self,
source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator],
shift_type: Literal["relative", "absolute"],
granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"],
value: int,
'''Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.'''
if shift_type == 'absolute':
raise NotImplementedError("Absolute time shifts are not supported yet")
self.source = source
self.shift_type = shift_type
self.granularity = granularity
self.value = value
def name(self) -> str:
return 'TimeShift'
def data_type(self) -> Literal['Vector', 'Raster']:
return self.source.data_type()
def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator:
'''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.'''
if self.data_type() != 'Vector':
raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator")
return cast(VectorOperator, self)
def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator:
'''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.'''
if self.data_type() != 'Raster':
raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator")
return cast(RasterOperator, self)
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"type": self.shift_type,
"granularity": self.granularity,
"value": self.value
"sources": {
"source": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'TimeShift':
'''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.'''
if operator_dict["type"] != "TimeShift":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator]
source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"])
except ValueError:
source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"])
return TimeShift(
class RenameBands:
'''Base class for renaming bands of a raster.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RenameBands':
'''Returns a RenameBands object from a dictionary.'''
if rename_dict["type"] == "default":
return RenameBandsDefault()
if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix":
return RenameBandsSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"]))
if rename_dict["type"] == "rename":
return RenameBandsRename(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"]))
raise ValueError("Invalid rename type")
def default(cls) -> 'RenameBands':
return RenameBandsDefault()
def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands':
return RenameBandsSuffix(values)
def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands':
return RenameBandsRename(values)
class RenameBandsDefault(RenameBands):
'''Rename bands with default suffix.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "default"
class RenameBandsSuffix(RenameBands):
'''Rename bands with custom suffixes.'''
suffixes: List[str]
def __init__(self, suffixes: List[str]) -> None:
self.suffixes = suffixes
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "suffix",
"values": self.suffixes
class RenameBandsRename(RenameBands):
'''Rename bands with new names.'''
new_names: List[str]
def __init__(self, new_names: List[str]) -> None:
self.new_names = new_names
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "rename",
"values": self.new_names
class RasterStacker(RasterOperator):
'''The RasterStacker operator.'''
sources: List[RasterOperator]
rename: RenameBands
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self,
sources: List[RasterOperator],
rename: RenameBands = RenameBandsDefault()
'''Creates a new RasterStacker operator.'''
self.sources = sources
self.rename = rename
def name(self) -> str:
return 'RasterStacker'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"renameBands": self.rename.to_dict()
"sources": {
"rasters": [raster_source.to_dict() for raster_source in self.sources]
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterStacker':
if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterStacker":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
sources = [RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(source) for source in operator_dict["sources"]["rasters"]]
rename = RenameBands.from_dict(operator_dict["params"]["renameBands"])
return RasterStacker(
class BandNeighborhoodAggregate(RasterOperator):
'''The BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.'''
source: RasterOperator
aggregate: BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self,
source: RasterOperator,
aggregate: BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
'''Creates a new BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.'''
self.source = source
self.aggregate = aggregate
def name(self) -> str:
return 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"aggregate": self.aggregate.to_dict()
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate':
if operator_dict["type"] != "BandNeighborhoodAggregate":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"])
aggregate = BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams.from_dict(operator_dict["params"]["aggregate"])
return BandNeighborhoodAggregate(
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams:
'''Abstract base class for band neighborhood aggregate params.'''
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def from_dict(cls, band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams':
'''Returns a BandNeighborhoodAggregate object from a dictionary.'''
if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "firstDerivative":
return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative.from_dict(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict)
if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "average":
return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["windowSize"])
raise ValueError("Invalid neighborhood aggregate type")
def first_derivative(cls, equally_spaced_band_distance: float) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams':
return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(equally_spaced_band_distance)
def average(cls, window_size: int) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams':
return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(window_size)
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams):
'''The first derivative band neighborhood aggregate.'''
equally_spaced_band_distance: float
def from_dict(cls, band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams':
if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] != "firstDerivative":
raise ValueError("Invalid neighborhood aggregate type")
return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "firstDerivative",
"bandDistance": {
"type": "equallySpaced",
"distance": self.equally_spaced_band_distance
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams):
'''The average band neighborhood aggregate.'''
window_size: int
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"type": "average",
"windowSize": self.window_size
class Onnx(RasterOperator):
'''Onnx ML operator.'''
source: RasterOperator
model: str
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self,
source: RasterOperator,
model: str
'''Creates a new Onnx operator.'''
self.source = source
self.model = model
def name(self) -> str:
return 'Onnx'
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"params": {
"model": self.model
"sources": {
"raster": self.source.to_dict()
def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Onnx':
if operator_dict["type"] != "Onnx":
raise ValueError("Invalid operator type")
source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"])
model = operator_dict["params"]["model"]
return Onnx(
class BandNeighborhoodAggregate (source: RasterOperator, aggregate: BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams)
The BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.
Creates a new BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.
Expand source code
class BandNeighborhoodAggregate(RasterOperator): '''The BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.''' source: RasterOperator aggregate: BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, source: RasterOperator, aggregate: BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams ): '''Creates a new BandNeighborhoodAggregate operator.''' self.source = source self.aggregate = aggregate def name(self) -> str: return 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "aggregate": self.aggregate.to_dict() }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate': if operator_dict["type"] != "BandNeighborhoodAggregate": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]) aggregate = BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams.from_dict(operator_dict["params"]["aggregate"]) return BandNeighborhoodAggregate( source=source, aggregate=aggregate )
Class variables
var aggregate : BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage (window_size: int)
The average band neighborhood aggregate.
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@dataclass class BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams): '''The average band neighborhood aggregate.''' window_size: int def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "average", "windowSize": self.window_size }
Class variables
var window_size : int
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "average", "windowSize": self.window_size }
Inherited members
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative (equally_spaced_band_distance: float)
The first derivative band neighborhood aggregate.
Expand source code
@dataclass class BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams): '''The first derivative band neighborhood aggregate.''' equally_spaced_band_distance: float @classmethod def from_dict(cls, band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] != "firstDerivative": raise ValueError("Invalid neighborhood aggregate type") return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative( band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["bandDistance"]["distance"] ) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "firstDerivative", "bandDistance": { "type": "equallySpaced", "distance": self.equally_spaced_band_distance } }
Class variables
var equally_spaced_band_distance : float
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "firstDerivative", "bandDistance": { "type": "equallySpaced", "distance": self.equally_spaced_band_distance } }
Inherited members
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
Abstract base class for band neighborhood aggregate params.
Expand source code
class BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams: '''Abstract base class for band neighborhood aggregate params.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @classmethod def from_dict(cls, band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': '''Returns a BandNeighborhoodAggregate object from a dictionary.''' if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "firstDerivative": return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative.from_dict(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict) if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "average": return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["windowSize"]) raise ValueError("Invalid neighborhood aggregate type") @classmethod def first_derivative(cls, equally_spaced_band_distance: float) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(equally_spaced_band_distance) @classmethod def average(cls, window_size: int) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(window_size)
Static methods
def average(window_size: int) ‑> BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
Expand source code
@classmethod def average(cls, window_size: int) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(window_size)
def first_derivative(equally_spaced_band_distance: float) ‑> BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
Expand source code
@classmethod def first_derivative(cls, equally_spaced_band_distance: float) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative(equally_spaced_band_distance)
def from_dict(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams
Returns a BandNeighborhoodAggregate object from a dictionary.
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@classmethod def from_dict(cls, band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandNeighborhoodAggregateParams': '''Returns a BandNeighborhoodAggregate object from a dictionary.''' if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "firstDerivative": return BandNeighborhoodAggregateFirstDerivative.from_dict(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict) if band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["type"] == "average": return BandNeighborhoodAggregateAverage(band_neighborhood_aggregate_dict["windowSize"]) raise ValueError("Invalid neighborhood aggregate type")
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
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@abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass
class BandwiseExpression (expression: str, source: RasterOperator, output_type: "Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']" = 'F32', map_no_data: bool = False)
A bandwise Expression operator.
Creates a new Expression operator.
Expand source code
class BandwiseExpression(RasterOperator): '''A bandwise Expression operator.''' expression: str source: RasterOperator output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32" map_no_data: bool = False # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, expression: str, source: RasterOperator, output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32", map_no_data: bool = False, ): '''Creates a new Expression operator.''' self.expression = expression self.source = source self.output_type = output_type self.map_no_data = map_no_data def name(self) -> str: return 'BandwiseExpression' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = { "expression": self.expression, "outputType": self.output_type, "mapNoData": self.map_no_data, } return { "type":, "params": params, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'BandwiseExpression': if operator_dict["type"] != "BandwiseExpression": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") return BandwiseExpression( expression=operator_dict["params"]["expression"], source=RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]), output_type=operator_dict["params"]["outputType"], map_no_data=operator_dict["params"]["mapNoData"], )
Class variables
var expression : str
var map_no_data : bool
var output_type : Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class ColumnNames
Base class for deriving column names from bands of a raster.
Expand source code
class ColumnNames: '''Base class for deriving column names from bands of a raster.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @classmethod def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ColumnNames': '''Returns a ColumnNames object from a dictionary.''' if rename_dict["type"] == "default": return ColumnNamesDefault() if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix": return ColumnNamesSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) if rename_dict["type"] == "names": return ColumnNamesNames(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) raise ValueError("Invalid rename type") @classmethod def default(cls) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesDefault() @classmethod def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesSuffix(values) @classmethod def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesNames(values)
Static methods
def default() ‑> ColumnNames
Expand source code
@classmethod def default(cls) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesDefault()
def from_dict(rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> ColumnNames
Returns a ColumnNames object from a dictionary.
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@classmethod def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ColumnNames': '''Returns a ColumnNames object from a dictionary.''' if rename_dict["type"] == "default": return ColumnNamesDefault() if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix": return ColumnNamesSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) if rename_dict["type"] == "names": return ColumnNamesNames(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) raise ValueError("Invalid rename type")
def rename(values: List[str]) ‑> ColumnNames
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@classmethod def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesNames(values)
def suffix(values: List[str]) ‑> ColumnNames
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@classmethod def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'ColumnNames': return ColumnNamesSuffix(values)
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
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@abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass
class ColumnNamesDefault
column names with default suffix.
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class ColumnNamesDefault(ColumnNames): '''column names with default suffix.''' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "default" }
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "default" }
Inherited members
class ColumnNamesNames (new_names: List[str])
Rename bands with new names.
Expand source code
class ColumnNamesNames(ColumnNames): '''Rename bands with new names.''' new_names: List[str] def __init__(self, new_names: List[str]) -> None: self.new_names = new_names super().__init__() def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "names", "values": self.new_names }
Class variables
var new_names : List[str]
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "names", "values": self.new_names }
Inherited members
class ColumnNamesSuffix (suffixes: List[str])
Rename bands with custom suffixes.
Expand source code
class ColumnNamesSuffix(ColumnNames): '''Rename bands with custom suffixes.''' suffixes: List[str] def __init__(self, suffixes: List[str]) -> None: self.suffixes = suffixes super().__init__() def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "suffix", "values": self.suffixes }
Class variables
var suffixes : List[str]
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "suffix", "values": self.suffixes }
Inherited members
class Expression (expression: str, source: RasterOperator, output_type: "Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']" = 'F32', map_no_data: bool = False, output_band: Optional[RasterBandDescriptor] = None)
An Expression operator.
Creates a new Expression operator.
Expand source code
class Expression(RasterOperator): '''An Expression operator.''' expression: str source: RasterOperator output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32" map_no_data: bool = False output_band: Optional[RasterBandDescriptor] = None # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments def __init__(self, expression: str, source: RasterOperator, output_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] = "F32", map_no_data: bool = False, output_band: Optional[RasterBandDescriptor] = None, ): '''Creates a new Expression operator.''' self.expression = expression self.source = source self.output_type = output_type self.map_no_data = map_no_data self.output_band = output_band def name(self) -> str: return 'Expression' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: params = { "expression": self.expression, "outputType": self.output_type, "mapNoData": self.map_no_data, } if self.output_band is not None: params["outputBand"] = self.output_band.to_api_dict().to_dict() return { "type":, "params": params, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Expression': if operator_dict["type"] != "Expression": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") output_band = None if "outputBand" in operator_dict["params"] and operator_dict["params"]["outputBand"] is not None: raster_band_descriptor = geoengine_openapi_client.RasterBandDescriptor.from_dict( operator_dict["params"]["outputBand"] ) if raster_band_descriptor is None: raise ValueError("Invalid output band") output_band = RasterBandDescriptor.from_response(raster_band_descriptor) return Expression( expression=operator_dict["params"]["expression"], source=RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]), output_type=operator_dict["params"]["outputType"], map_no_data=operator_dict["params"]["mapNoData"], output_band=output_band )
Class variables
var expression : str
var map_no_data : bool
var output_band : Optional[RasterBandDescriptor]
var output_type : Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class GdalSource (dataset: Union[str, DatasetName])
A GDAL source operator.
Creates a new GDAL source operator.
Expand source code
class GdalSource(RasterOperator): '''A GDAL source operator.''' dataset: str def __init__(self, dataset: Union[str, DatasetName]): '''Creates a new GDAL source operator.''' if isinstance(dataset, DatasetName): dataset = str(dataset) self.dataset = dataset def name(self) -> str: return 'GdalSource' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { 'type':, 'params': { "data": self.dataset } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> GdalSource: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "GdalSource": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") return GdalSource(cast(str, operator_dict['params']['data']))
Class variables
var dataset : str
Inherited members
class GeoVectorDataType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
The output type of geometry vector data.
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class GeoVectorDataType(Enum): '''The output type of geometry vector data.''' MULTI_POINT = "MultiPoint" MULTI_LINE_STRING = "MultiLineString" MULTI_POLYGON = "MultiPolygon"
- enum.Enum
Class variables
class Interpolation (source_operator: RasterOperator, interpolation: "Literal['biLinear', 'nearestNeighbor']" = 'biLinear', input_resolution: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)
An interpolation operator.
Creates a new interpolation operator.
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class Interpolation(RasterOperator): '''An interpolation operator.''' source: RasterOperator interpolation: Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"] = "biLinear" input_resolution: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None def __init__( self, source_operator: RasterOperator, interpolation: Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"] = "biLinear", input_resolution: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None ): '''Creates a new interpolation operator.''' self.source = source_operator self.interpolation = interpolation self.input_resolution = input_resolution def name(self) -> str: return 'Interpolation' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: input_res: Dict[str, Union[str, float]] if self.input_resolution is None: input_res = { "type": "source" } else: input_res = { "type": "value", "x": self.input_resolution[0], "y": self.input_resolution[1] } return { "type":, "params": { "interpolation": self.interpolation, "inputResolution": input_res }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Interpolation: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "Interpolation": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['raster'])) def parse_input_params(params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float]]: if 'type' not in params: return None if params['type'] == 'source': return None if params['type'] == 'value': return (float(params['x']), float(params['y'])) raise ValueError(f"Invalid input resolution type {params['type']}") input_resolution = parse_input_params(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['params']['inputResolution'])) return Interpolation( source_operator=source, interpolation=cast(Literal["biLinear", "nearestNeighbor"], operator_dict['params']['interpolation']), input_resolution=input_resolution )
Class variables
var input_resolution : Optional[Tuple[float, float]]
var interpolation : Literal['biLinear', 'nearestNeighbor']
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class OgrSource (dataset: Union[str, DatasetName], attribute_projection: Optional[str] = None, attribute_filters: Optional[str] = None)
An OGR source operator.
Creates a new OGR source operator.
Expand source code
class OgrSource(VectorOperator): '''An OGR source operator.''' dataset: str attribute_projection: Optional[str] = None attribute_filters: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, dataset: Union[str, DatasetName], attribute_projection: Optional[str] = None, attribute_filters: Optional[str] = None ): '''Creates a new OGR source operator.''' if isinstance(dataset, DatasetName): dataset = str(dataset) self.dataset = dataset self.attribute_projection = attribute_projection self.attribute_filters = attribute_filters def name(self) -> str: return 'OgrSource' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { 'type':, 'params': { "data": self.dataset, 'attributeProjection': self.attribute_projection, 'attributeFilters': self.attribute_filters, } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> OgrSource: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "OgrSource": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") params = operator_dict['params'] return OgrSource( cast(str, params['data']), attribute_projection=cast(Optional[str], params.get('attributeProjection')), attribute_filters=cast(Optional[str], params.get('attributeFilters')), )
Class variables
var attribute_filters : Optional[str]
var attribute_projection : Optional[str]
var dataset : str
Inherited members
class Onnx (source: RasterOperator, model: str)
Onnx ML operator.
Creates a new Onnx operator.
Expand source code
class Onnx(RasterOperator): '''Onnx ML operator.''' source: RasterOperator model: str # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, source: RasterOperator, model: str ): '''Creates a new Onnx operator.''' self.source = source self.model = model def name(self) -> str: return 'Onnx' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "model": self.model }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Onnx': if operator_dict["type"] != "Onnx": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]) model = operator_dict["params"]["model"] return Onnx( source=source, model=model )
Class variables
var model : str
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class Operator
Base class for all operators.
Expand source code
class Operator(): '''Base class for all operators.''' @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: '''Returns the name of the operator.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Returns a dictionary representation of the operator that can be used to create a JSON request for the API.''' @abstractmethod def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']: '''Returns the type of the operator.''' def to_workflow_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Returns a dictionary representation of a workflow that calls the operator" \ "that can be used to create a JSON request for the workflow API.''' return { 'type': self.data_type(), 'operator': self.to_dict(), } @classmethod def from_workflow_dict(cls, workflow) -> Operator: '''Returns an operator from a workflow dictionary.''' if workflow['type'] == 'Raster': return RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator']) if workflow['type'] == 'Vector': return VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator']) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown workflow type {workflow['type']}")
Static methods
def from_workflow_dict(workflow) ‑> Operator
Returns an operator from a workflow dictionary.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_workflow_dict(cls, workflow) -> Operator: '''Returns an operator from a workflow dictionary.''' if workflow['type'] == 'Raster': return RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator']) if workflow['type'] == 'Vector': return VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(workflow['operator']) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown workflow type {workflow['type']}")
def data_type(self) ‑> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']
Returns the type of the operator.
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@abstractmethod def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']: '''Returns the type of the operator.'''
def name(self) ‑> str
Returns the name of the operator.
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@abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: '''Returns the name of the operator.'''
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Returns a dictionary representation of the operator that can be used to create a JSON request for the API.
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@abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Returns a dictionary representation of the operator that can be used to create a JSON request for the API.'''
def to_workflow_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Returns a dictionary representation of a workflow that calls the operator" "that can be used to create a JSON request for the workflow API.
Expand source code
def to_workflow_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Returns a dictionary representation of a workflow that calls the operator" \ "that can be used to create a JSON request for the workflow API.''' return { 'type': self.data_type(), 'operator': self.to_dict(), }
class PointInPolygonFilter (point_source: VectorOperator, polygon_source: VectorOperator)
A PointInPolygonFilter operator.
Creates a new PointInPolygonFilter filter operator.
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class PointInPolygonFilter(VectorOperator): '''A PointInPolygonFilter operator.''' point_source: VectorOperator polygon_source: VectorOperator def __init__(self, point_source: VectorOperator, polygon_source: VectorOperator, ): '''Creates a new PointInPolygonFilter filter operator.''' self.point_source = point_source self.polygon_source = polygon_source def name(self) -> str: return 'PointInPolygonFilter' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": {}, "sources": { "points": self.point_source.to_dict(), "polygons": self.polygon_source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> PointInPolygonFilter: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "PointInPolygonFilter": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") point_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['points'])) polygon_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['polygons'])) return PointInPolygonFilter( point_source=point_source, polygon_source=polygon_source, )
Class variables
var point_source : VectorOperator
var polygon_source : VectorOperator
Inherited members
class RasterOperator
Base class for all raster operators.
Expand source code
class RasterOperator(Operator): '''Base class for all raster operators.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']: return 'Raster' @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> RasterOperator: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict['type'] == 'GdalSource': return GdalSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterScaling': return RasterScaling.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterTypeConversion': return RasterTypeConversion.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection': return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster() if operator_dict['type'] == 'Interpolation': return Interpolation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Expression': return Expression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandwiseExpression': return BandwiseExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift': return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster() if operator_dict['type'] == 'TemporalRasterAggregation': return TemporalRasterAggregation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterStacker': return RasterStacker.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate': return BandNeighborhoodAggregate.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
- BandNeighborhoodAggregate
- BandwiseExpression
- Expression
- GdalSource
- Interpolation
- Onnx
- RasterScaling
- RasterStacker
- RasterTypeConversion
- TemporalRasterAggregation
Static methods
def from_operator_dict(operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> RasterOperator
Returns an operator from a dictionary.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> RasterOperator: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict['type'] == 'GdalSource': return GdalSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterScaling': return RasterScaling.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterTypeConversion': return RasterTypeConversion.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection': return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster() if operator_dict['type'] == 'Interpolation': return Interpolation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Expression': return Expression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandwiseExpression': return BandwiseExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift': return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_raster() if operator_dict['type'] == 'TemporalRasterAggregation': return TemporalRasterAggregation.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterStacker': return RasterStacker.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'BandNeighborhoodAggregate': return BandNeighborhoodAggregate.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
Inherited members
class RasterScaling (source: RasterOperator, slope: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, offset: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, scaling_mode: "Literal['mulSlopeAddOffset', 'subOffsetDivSlope']" = 'mulSlopeAddOffset', output_measurement: Optional[str] = None)
A RasterScaling operator.
This operator scales the values of a raster by a given slope and offset.
The scaling is done as follows: y = (x - offset) / slope
The unscale mode is the inverse of the scale mode: x = y * slope + offset
Creates a new RasterScaling operator.
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class RasterScaling(RasterOperator): '''A RasterScaling operator. This operator scales the values of a raster by a given slope and offset. The scaling is done as follows: y = (x - offset) / slope The unscale mode is the inverse of the scale mode: x = y * slope + offset ''' source: RasterOperator slope: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None offset: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None scaling_mode: Literal["mulSlopeAddOffset", "subOffsetDivSlope"] = "mulSlopeAddOffset" output_measurement: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments source: RasterOperator, slope: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, offset: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, scaling_mode: Literal["mulSlopeAddOffset", "subOffsetDivSlope"] = "mulSlopeAddOffset", output_measurement: Optional[str] = None ): '''Creates a new RasterScaling operator.''' self.source = source self.slope = slope self.offset = offset self.scaling_mode = scaling_mode self.output_measurement = output_measurement if output_measurement is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Custom output measurement is not yet implemented") def name(self) -> str: return 'RasterScaling' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: def offset_scale_dict(key_or_value: Optional[Union[float, str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if key_or_value is None: return {"type": "auto"} if isinstance(key_or_value, float): return {"type": "constant", "value": key_or_value} if isinstance(key_or_value, int): return {"type": "constant", "value": float(key_or_value)} # TODO: incorporate `domain` field return {"type": "metadataKey", "key": key_or_value} return { "type":, "params": { "offset": offset_scale_dict(self.offset), "slope": offset_scale_dict(self.slope), "scalingMode": self.scaling_mode }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterScaling': if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterScaling": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]) params = operator_dict["params"] def offset_slope_reverse(key_or_value: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Union[float, str]]: if key_or_value is None: return None if key_or_value["type"] == "constant": return key_or_value["value"] if key_or_value["type"] == "metadataKey": return key_or_value["key"] return None return RasterScaling( source_operator, slope=offset_slope_reverse(params["slope"]), offset=offset_slope_reverse(params["offset"]), scaling_mode=params["scalingMode"], output_measurement=params.get("outputMeasurement", None) )
Class variables
var offset : Union[float, str, ForwardRef(None)]
var output_measurement : Optional[str]
var scaling_mode : Literal['mulSlopeAddOffset', 'subOffsetDivSlope']
var slope : Union[float, str, ForwardRef(None)]
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class RasterStacker (sources: List[RasterOperator], rename: RenameBands = <geoengine.workflow_builder.operators.RenameBandsDefault object>)
The RasterStacker operator.
Creates a new RasterStacker operator.
Expand source code
class RasterStacker(RasterOperator): '''The RasterStacker operator.''' sources: List[RasterOperator] rename: RenameBands # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, sources: List[RasterOperator], rename: RenameBands = RenameBandsDefault() ): '''Creates a new RasterStacker operator.''' self.sources = sources self.rename = rename def name(self) -> str: return 'RasterStacker' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "renameBands": self.rename.to_dict() }, "sources": { "rasters": [raster_source.to_dict() for raster_source in self.sources] } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterStacker': if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterStacker": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") sources = [RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(source) for source in operator_dict["sources"]["rasters"]] rename = RenameBands.from_dict(operator_dict["params"]["renameBands"]) return RasterStacker( sources=sources, rename=rename )
Class variables
var rename : RenameBands
var sources : List[RasterOperator]
Inherited members
class RasterTypeConversion (source: RasterOperator, output_data_type: "Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']")
A RasterTypeConversion operator.
Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.
Expand source code
class RasterTypeConversion(RasterOperator): '''A RasterTypeConversion operator.''' source: RasterOperator output_data_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] def __init__(self, source: RasterOperator, output_data_type: Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"] ): '''Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.''' self.source = source self.output_data_type = output_data_type def name(self) -> str: return 'RasterTypeConversion' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "outputDataType": self.output_data_type }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterTypeConversion': if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterTypeConversion": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]) return RasterTypeConversion( source_operator, output_data_type=operator_dict["params"]["outputDataType"] )
Class variables
var output_data_type : Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']
var source : RasterOperator
Inherited members
class RasterVectorJoin (raster_sources: List[RasterOperator], vector_source: VectorOperator, names: ColumnNames, temporal_aggregation: "Literal['none', 'first', 'mean']" = 'none', temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False, feature_aggregation: "Literal['first', 'mean']" = 'mean', feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False)
A RasterVectorJoin operator.
Creates a new RasterVectorJoin operator.
Expand source code
class RasterVectorJoin(VectorOperator): '''A RasterVectorJoin operator.''' raster_sources: List[RasterOperator] vector_source: VectorOperator names: ColumnNames temporal_aggregation: Literal["none", "first", "mean"] = "none" temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False feature_aggregation: Literal["first", "mean"] = "mean" feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments def __init__(self, raster_sources: List[RasterOperator], vector_source: VectorOperator, names: ColumnNames, temporal_aggregation: Literal["none", "first", "mean"] = "none", temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False, feature_aggregation: Literal["first", "mean"] = "mean", feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata: bool = False, ): '''Creates a new RasterVectorJoin operator.''' self.raster_source = raster_sources self.vector_source = vector_source self.names = names self.temporal_aggregation = temporal_aggregation self.temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata = temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata self.feature_aggregation = feature_aggregation self.feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata = feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata def name(self) -> str: return 'RasterVectorJoin' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "names": self.names.to_dict(), "temporalAggregation": self.temporal_aggregation, "temporalAggregationIgnoreNoData": self.temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata, "featureAggregation": self.feature_aggregation, "featureAggregationIgnoreNoData": self.feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata, }, "sources": { "vector": self.vector_source.to_dict(), "rasters": [raster_source.to_dict() for raster_source in self.raster_source] } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RasterVectorJoin': '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "RasterVectorJoin": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") vector_source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(cast(Dict[str, Any], operator_dict['sources']['vector'])) raster_sources = [ RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(raster_source) for raster_source in cast( List[Dict[str, Any]], operator_dict['sources']['rasters'] ) ] params = operator_dict['params'] return RasterVectorJoin( raster_sources=raster_sources, vector_source=vector_source, names=ColumnNames.from_dict(params['names']), temporal_aggregation=cast(Literal["none", "first", "mean"], params['temporalAggregation']), temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata=cast(bool, params['temporalAggregationIgnoreNoData']), feature_aggregation=cast(Literal["first", "mean"], params['featureAggregation']), feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata=cast(bool, params['featureAggregationIgnoreNoData']), )
Class variables
var feature_aggregation : Literal['first', 'mean']
var feature_aggregation_ignore_nodata : bool
var names : ColumnNames
var raster_sources : List[RasterOperator]
var temporal_aggregation : Literal['none', 'first', 'mean']
var temporal_aggregation_ignore_nodata : bool
var vector_source : VectorOperator
Inherited members
class RenameBands
Base class for renaming bands of a raster.
Expand source code
class RenameBands: '''Base class for renaming bands of a raster.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass @classmethod def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RenameBands': '''Returns a RenameBands object from a dictionary.''' if rename_dict["type"] == "default": return RenameBandsDefault() if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix": return RenameBandsSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) if rename_dict["type"] == "rename": return RenameBandsRename(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) raise ValueError("Invalid rename type") @classmethod def default(cls) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsDefault() @classmethod def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsSuffix(values) @classmethod def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsRename(values)
Static methods
def default() ‑> RenameBands
Expand source code
@classmethod def default(cls) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsDefault()
def from_dict(rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> RenameBands
Returns a RenameBands object from a dictionary.
Expand source code
@classmethod def from_dict(cls, rename_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RenameBands': '''Returns a RenameBands object from a dictionary.''' if rename_dict["type"] == "default": return RenameBandsDefault() if rename_dict["type"] == "suffix": return RenameBandsSuffix(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) if rename_dict["type"] == "rename": return RenameBandsRename(cast(List[str], rename_dict["values"])) raise ValueError("Invalid rename type")
def rename(values: List[str]) ‑> RenameBands
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@classmethod def rename(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsRename(values)
def suffix(values: List[str]) ‑> RenameBands
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@classmethod def suffix(cls, values: List[str]) -> 'RenameBands': return RenameBandsSuffix(values)
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
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@abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass
class RenameBandsDefault
Rename bands with default suffix.
Expand source code
class RenameBandsDefault(RenameBands): '''Rename bands with default suffix.''' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "default" }
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "default" }
Inherited members
class RenameBandsRename (new_names: List[str])
Rename bands with new names.
Expand source code
class RenameBandsRename(RenameBands): '''Rename bands with new names.''' new_names: List[str] def __init__(self, new_names: List[str]) -> None: self.new_names = new_names super().__init__() def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "rename", "values": self.new_names }
Class variables
var new_names : List[str]
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "rename", "values": self.new_names }
Inherited members
class RenameBandsSuffix (suffixes: List[str])
Rename bands with custom suffixes.
Expand source code
class RenameBandsSuffix(RenameBands): '''Rename bands with custom suffixes.''' suffixes: List[str] def __init__(self, suffixes: List[str]) -> None: self.suffixes = suffixes super().__init__() def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "suffix", "values": self.suffixes }
Class variables
var suffixes : List[str]
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
Expand source code
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type": "suffix", "values": self.suffixes }
Inherited members
class Reprojection (source: Operator, target_spatial_reference: str)
A Reprojection operator.
Creates a new Reprojection operator.
Expand source code
class Reprojection(Operator): '''A Reprojection operator.''' source: Operator target_spatial_reference: str def __init__(self, source: Operator, target_spatial_reference: str ): '''Creates a new Reprojection operator.''' self.source = source self.target_spatial_reference = target_spatial_reference def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']: return self.source.data_type() def name(self) -> str: return 'Reprojection' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "targetSpatialReference": self.target_spatial_reference }, "sources": { "source": self.source.to_dict() } } def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator: '''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Vector': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator") return cast(VectorOperator, self) def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator: '''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Raster': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator") return cast(RasterOperator, self) @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Reprojection': '''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "Reprojection": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source_operator: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator] try: source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) except ValueError: source_operator = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) return Reprojection( source=cast(Operator, source_operator), target_spatial_reference=operator_dict["params"]["targetSpatialReference"] )
Class variables
var source : Operator
var target_spatial_reference : str
Static methods
def from_operator_dict(operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Reprojection
Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.
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@classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Reprojection': '''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "Reprojection": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source_operator: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator] try: source_operator = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) except ValueError: source_operator = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) return Reprojection( source=cast(Operator, source_operator), target_spatial_reference=operator_dict["params"]["targetSpatialReference"] )
def as_raster(self) ‑> RasterOperator
Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.
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def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator: '''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Raster': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator") return cast(RasterOperator, self)
def as_vector(self) ‑> VectorOperator
Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.
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def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator: '''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Vector': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator") return cast(VectorOperator, self)
Inherited members
class TemporalRasterAggregation (source: RasterOperator, aggregation_type: "Literal['mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'count', 'sum', 'first', 'last', 'percentileEstimate']", ignore_no_data: bool = False, granularity: "Literal['days', 'months', 'years', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'millis']" = 'days', window_size: int = 1, output_type: "Optional[Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']]" = None, percentile: Optional[float] = None, window_reference: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]] = None)
A TemporalRasterAggregation operator.
Creates a new TemporalRasterAggregation operator.
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class TemporalRasterAggregation(RasterOperator): '''A TemporalRasterAggregation operator.''' # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes source: RasterOperator aggregation_type: Literal["mean", "min", "max", "median", "count", "sum", "first", "last", "percentileEstimate"] ignore_no_data: bool = False window_granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"] = "days" window_size: int = 1 output_type: Optional[Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]] = None percentile: Optional[float] = None window_ref: Optional[np.datetime64] = None # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments def __init__(self, source: RasterOperator, aggregation_type: Literal["mean", "min", "max", "median", "count", "sum", "first", "last", "percentileEstimate"], ignore_no_data: bool = False, granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"] = "days", window_size: int = 1, output_type: Optional[Literal["U8", "U16", "U32", "U64", "I8", "I16", "I32", "I64", "F32", "F64"]] = None, percentile: Optional[float] = None, window_reference: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]] = None ): '''Creates a new TemporalRasterAggregation operator.''' self.source = source self.aggregation_type = aggregation_type self.ignore_no_data = ignore_no_data self.window_granularity = granularity self.window_size = window_size self.output_type = output_type if self.aggregation_type == "percentileEstimate": if percentile is None: raise ValueError("Percentile must be set for percentileEstimate") if percentile <= 0.0 or percentile > 1.0: raise ValueError("Percentile must be > 0.0 and <= 1.0") self.percentile = percentile if window_reference is not None: if isinstance(window_reference, np.datetime64): self.window_ref = window_reference elif isinstance(window_reference, datetime.datetime): # We assume that a datetime without a timezone means UTC if window_reference.tzinfo is not None: window_reference = window_reference.astimezone(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) self.window_ref = np.datetime64(window_reference) else: raise ValueError("`window_reference` must be of type `datetime.datetime` or `numpy.datetime64`") def name(self) -> str: return 'TemporalRasterAggregation' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: w_ref = self.window_ref.astype('datetime64[ms]').astype(int) if self.window_ref is not None else None return { "type":, "params": { "aggregation": { "type": self.aggregation_type, "ignoreNoData": self.ignore_no_data, "percentile": self.percentile }, "window": { "granularity": self.window_granularity, "step": self.window_size }, "windowReference": w_ref, "outputType": self.output_type }, "sources": { "raster": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'TemporalRasterAggregation': if operator_dict["type"] != "TemporalRasterAggregation": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") w_ref: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, np.datetime64]] = None if "windowReference" in operator_dict["params"]: t_ref = operator_dict["params"]["windowReference"] if isinstance(t_ref, str): w_ref = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(t_ref) if isinstance(t_ref, int): w_ref = np.datetime64(t_ref, 'ms') percentile = None if "percentile" in operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]: percentile = operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]["percentile"] return TemporalRasterAggregation( source=RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["raster"]), aggregation_type=operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]["type"], ignore_no_data=operator_dict["params"]["aggregation"]["ignoreNoData"], granularity=operator_dict["params"]["window"]["granularity"], window_size=operator_dict["params"]["window"]["step"], output_type=operator_dict["params"]["outputType"], window_reference=w_ref, percentile=percentile )
Class variables
var aggregation_type : Literal['mean', 'min', 'max', 'median', 'count', 'sum', 'first', 'last', 'percentileEstimate']
var ignore_no_data : bool
var output_type : Optional[Literal['U8', 'U16', 'U32', 'U64', 'I8', 'I16', 'I32', 'I64', 'F32', 'F64']]
var percentile : Optional[float]
var source : RasterOperator
var window_granularity : Literal['days', 'months', 'years', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'millis']
var window_ref : Optional[numpy.datetime64]
var window_size : int
Inherited members
class TimeShift (source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator], shift_type: "Literal['relative', 'absolute']", granularity: "Literal['days', 'months', 'years', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'millis']", value: int)
A RasterTypeConversion operator.
Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.
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class TimeShift(Operator): '''A RasterTypeConversion operator.''' source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator] shift_type: Literal["relative", "absolute"] granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"] value: int def __init__(self, source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator], shift_type: Literal["relative", "absolute"], granularity: Literal["days", "months", "years", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "millis"], value: int, ): '''Creates a new RasterTypeConversion operator.''' if shift_type == 'absolute': raise NotImplementedError("Absolute time shifts are not supported yet") self.source = source self.shift_type = shift_type self.granularity = granularity self.value = value def name(self) -> str: return 'TimeShift' def data_type(self) -> Literal['Vector', 'Raster']: return self.source.data_type() def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator: '''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Vector': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator") return cast(VectorOperator, self) def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator: '''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Raster': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator") return cast(RasterOperator, self) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "type":, "params": { "type": self.shift_type, "granularity": self.granularity, "value": self.value }, "sources": { "source": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'TimeShift': '''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "TimeShift": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator] try: source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) except ValueError: source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) return TimeShift( source=source, shift_type=operator_dict["params"]["type"], granularity=operator_dict["params"]["granularity"], value=operator_dict["params"]["value"] )
Class variables
var granularity : Literal['days', 'months', 'years', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'millis']
var shift_type : Literal['relative', 'absolute']
var source : Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator]
var value : int
Static methods
def from_operator_dict(operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> TimeShift
Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.
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@classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'TimeShift': '''Constructs the operator from the given dictionary.''' if operator_dict["type"] != "TimeShift": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") source: Union[RasterOperator, VectorOperator] try: source = VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) except ValueError: source = RasterOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["source"]) return TimeShift( source=source, shift_type=operator_dict["params"]["type"], granularity=operator_dict["params"]["granularity"], value=operator_dict["params"]["value"] )
def as_raster(self) ‑> RasterOperator
Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.
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def as_raster(self) -> RasterOperator: '''Casts this operator to a RasterOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Raster': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to RasterOperator") return cast(RasterOperator, self)
def as_vector(self) ‑> VectorOperator
Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.
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def as_vector(self) -> VectorOperator: '''Casts this operator to a VectorOperator.''' if self.data_type() != 'Vector': raise TypeError("Cannot cast to VectorOperator") return cast(VectorOperator, self)
Inherited members
class VectorExpression (source: VectorOperator, *, expression: str, input_columns: List[str], output_column: str | GeoVectorDataType, geometry_column_name: Optional[str] = None, output_measurement: Optional[Measurement] = None)
operator.Creates a new VectorExpression operator.
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class VectorExpression(VectorOperator): '''The `VectorExpression` operator.''' source: VectorOperator expression: str input_columns: List[str] output_column: str | GeoVectorDataType geometry_column_name = None output_measurement: Optional[Measurement] = None # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, source: VectorOperator, *, expression: str, input_columns: List[str], output_column: str | GeoVectorDataType, geometry_column_name: Optional[str] = None, output_measurement: Optional[Measurement] = None, ): '''Creates a new VectorExpression operator.''' self.source = source self.expression = expression self.input_columns = input_columns self.output_column = output_column self.geometry_column_name = geometry_column_name self.output_measurement = output_measurement def name(self) -> str: return 'VectorExpression' def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: output_column_dict = None if isinstance(self.output_column, GeoVectorDataType): output_column_dict = { "type": "geometry", "value": self.output_column.value, } elif isinstance(self.output_column, str): output_column_dict = { "type": "column", "value": self.output_column, } else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid output column type") params = { "expression": self.expression, "inputColumns": self.input_columns, "outputColumn": output_column_dict, } # type: Dict[str, Any] if self.geometry_column_name: params["geometryColumnName"] = self.geometry_column_name if self.output_measurement: params["outputMeasurement"] = self.output_measurement.to_api_dict().to_dict() return { "type":, "params": params, "sources": { "vector": self.source.to_dict() } } @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> VectorExpression: if operator_dict["type"] != "Expression": raise ValueError("Invalid operator type") geometry_column_name = None if "geometryColumnName" in operator_dict["params"]: geometry_column_name = operator_dict["params"]["geometryColumnName"] output_measurement = None if "outputMeasurement" in operator_dict["params"]: output_measurement = Measurement.from_response(operator_dict["params"]["outputMeasurement"]) return VectorExpression( source=VectorOperator.from_operator_dict(operator_dict["sources"]["vector"]), expression=operator_dict["params"]["expression"], input_columns=operator_dict["params"]["inputColumns"], output_column=operator_dict["params"]["outputColumn"], geometry_column_name=geometry_column_name, output_measurement=output_measurement, )
Class variables
var expression : str
var geometry_column_name
var input_columns : List[str]
var output_column : str | GeoVectorDataType
var output_measurement : Optional[Measurement]
var source : VectorOperator
Inherited members
class VectorOperator
Base class for all vector operators.
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class VectorOperator(Operator): '''Base class for all vector operators.''' @abstractmethod def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: pass def data_type(self) -> Literal['Raster', 'Vector']: return 'Vector' @classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> VectorOperator: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict['type'] == 'OgrSource': return OgrSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection': return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector() if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterVectorJoin': return RasterVectorJoin.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'PointInPolygonFilter': return PointInPolygonFilter.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift': return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector() if operator_dict['type'] == 'VectorExpression': return VectorExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
Static methods
def from_operator_dict(operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> VectorOperator
Returns an operator from a dictionary.
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@classmethod def from_operator_dict(cls, operator_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> VectorOperator: '''Returns an operator from a dictionary.''' if operator_dict['type'] == 'OgrSource': return OgrSource.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'Reprojection': return Reprojection.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector() if operator_dict['type'] == 'RasterVectorJoin': return RasterVectorJoin.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'PointInPolygonFilter': return PointInPolygonFilter.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) if operator_dict['type'] == 'TimeShift': return TimeShift.from_operator_dict(operator_dict).as_vector() if operator_dict['type'] == 'VectorExpression': return VectorExpression.from_operator_dict(operator_dict) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown operator type {operator_dict['type']}")
Inherited members